Poster Session
S05 PedologyHydropedology is the study of linkages between pedology and hydrology within a landscape context. The session will focus on how soil architecture and the distribution of soils over the landscape influence hydrologic processes (and associated biogeochemical and ecological dynamics) across spatio-temporal scales. Presentations will also address how landscape water (and the associated transport of energy, sediment, chemicals, and biomaterials) influence soil formation and function.
Pedology, Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, Wetland Soils, Soils & Environmental QualityWednesday, November 3, 2010: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Lower Level
Poster #1100
Poster #1102
Poster #1103
Poster #1104
Poster #1105
Poster #1106
Poster #1107