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* Poster available online

[ Recorded presentation ] Recordings available online

Friday, November 10, 2006

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 1
Executive Planning: I
Marriott, Florida/Illinois, First Floor
Saturday, November 11, 2006

8:00 AM-8:30 AM
SASES Business Meeting: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Session No. 2
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-West, First Floor

8:00 AM-5:00 PM
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Management Council
Marriott, Michigan/Texas, First Floor

8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Session No. 3
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 4
Meeting Overview/Year in Review
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

8:00 PM-9:00 PM
Session No. 5
Business Meeting: I/Officer and Committee Reports/Executive Planning: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

9:30 PM-11:55 PM
Session No. 6
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor
Sunday, November 12, 2006

7:45 AM-5:00 PM
Session No. 17
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP)Turfgrass Tour
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor

8:00 AM-9:00 AM
CSSA Executive Committee
Marriott, Atlanta, Second Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Editorial Policy Committee Brunch
Marriott, Denver, Second Floor

8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 7
Registration/Student Brunch/Business Meeting: II
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5, Second Floor

9:00 AM-12:00 PM
*Seed and Breed Group
Marriott, Austin-Boston, Second Floor
CSSA Board of Directors (First Session)
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 2, Second Floor

10:30 AM-10:30 AM
SASES Business Meeting: II
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5, Second Floor

11:00 AM-2:00 PM
S591 K-12 Committee
Marriott, Denver, Second Floor

12:00 PM-2:00 PM
SSSA Executive Committee
Marriott, Lincoln, Second Floor

12:00 PM-2:30 PM
Session No. 8
National Club Poster Contest
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore Ballroom Foyer, Second Floor

12:30 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 19
Workshop: Advances of Nitrogen Management Practices for Water Quality
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor

1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Golden Opportunity Mentor Orientation Program
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 9
46th National Speech Contest--Prelims

1:30 PM-4:00 PM
*Clover and Special Purpose Legumes Crop Germplasm Committee
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 10, Second Floor

1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 15
Public Plant and Animal Breeding
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 1, Second Floor

2:00 PM-3:00 PM
Golden Opportunity Scholar and Mentor Meeting
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Division S02 Planning Meeting
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

2:00 PM-5:00 PM
SSSA Board of Directors (First Session)
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor

2:00 PM-6:00 PM
*Forage Teaching Module Development Group
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
*U.S. Canola Association Executive Committee
Marriott, Columbus, Second Floor
Forage and Grazinglands Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor
Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education Editorial Board
Westin, Congress 1-2, First Floor

3:10 PM-5:45 PM
Session No. 10
National Student Research Symposium Contest Oral Session: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor
Session No. 11
National Student Research Symposium Contest Oral Session: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 20
Workshop: Advances of Nitrogen Management Practices for Water Quality with Facilitated Poster Session*
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
SSSA Technical Editors
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Smithsonian Soils Exhibit Reception
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 122, First Floor

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
*U.S. Canola Association Welcoming Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 4, Second Floor
Membership/International Sub-Committee
Marriott, Austin-Boston, Second Floor

5:55 PM-8:10 PM
Session No. 18
Div. C-5 Evening Extension Program
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

6:00 PM-6:45 PM
First Time Attendee Orientation
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Session No. 12
46th National Speech Contest--Finals
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
*11th North American Forest Soils Conference
Westin, Chamber, First Floor
*Forage and Turf Grass Crop Germplasm Committee
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 10, Second Floor

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Session No. 16
E.T. and Vam York Distinguished ASA Lectureship
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4-5, Second Floor

8:00 PM-11:00 PM
Opening Reception
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 13
Opening Reception
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

9:30 PM-11:00 PM
Session No. 14
Quiz Bowl
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor
Monday, November 13, 2006

6:30 AM-7:45 AM
Session No. 75
Frank N. Meyer Medal Breakfast
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor

7:00 AM-9:00 AM
S587 Training and Continuing Education for Soil Scientists
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

7:00 AM-4:00 PM
*U.S. Canola Board of Directors
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor

7:25 AM-4:40 PM
Session No. 68
Graduate Student Oral Competition
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor

7:40 AM-9:50 AM
Session No. 52
Site Specific Management, Fertility, and Tillage
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

7:45 AM-9:00 AM
Soil Science Society of America All Divisions Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor
Session No. 79
Soil Science Society of America All Divisions Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor

7:55 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 69
Genetic and Disease Evaluation of Turfgrasses
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

7:55 AM-11:40 AM
Session No. 62
Symposium--What Have Transgenic Crops Meant For US Farmers? The First 10 Years of Transgenic Corn, Cotton, and Soybean
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

7:55 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 76
Symposium--Closing the Circle on Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Session No. 25
Graduate School Workshop
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
A532 Agronomy Certification Board
Westin, Chamber, First Floor
C852 Crop Registration Committee
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor
Session No. 26
National Student Research Symposium Contest Poster Session*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 71
Symposium--Beyond the Cow: 101 Uses for Forages and Grasslands
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 44
Educational Materials Display
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

8:10 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 56
Cultivar Development: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 41
Crop Water Use--From Remote Sensing to Crop Modeling
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 50
Symposium--Overview of the Status of the Agriculture Experiment Stations in the Northeastern United States
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

8:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 60
Symposium--Crop Stress Physiology: The Linkage Between Genes and Functions
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 210, Second Floor

8:30 AM-9:00 AM
Soil Science Society of America Journal New Editor Training
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

8:30 AM-11:35 AM
Session No. 39
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Companion Breakfast
Hilton, Indianapolis Ballroom, Second Floor

9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Soil Science Society of America Journal Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

9:10 AM-10:10 AM
Div. S-4/Div. S-8 Joint Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor
Session No. 95
Div. S-4/Div. S-8 Joint Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor
Div. S-8/Div. S-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor
Session No. 114
Div. S-8/Div. S-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

9:10 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 108
Soil & Plant Interactions: Aboveground Inputs and Belowground Productivity
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

9:10 AM-11:35 AM
Session No. 102
Soil Management Effects on Soil C and GHG Emissions
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

9:10 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 120
Symposium--Subaqueous Soils: A New Frontier in Wetlands: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

9:10 AM-12:10 PM
Session No. 81
Symposium--Understanding Plant Water Uptake
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

9:10 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 88
Symposium--Consequences of Manure and Biosolid Application: Antibiotics, Pharmaceuticals and Potential Pathogen: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

9:15 AM-10:15 AM
Div. S-9 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor
Session No. 118
Div. S-9 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor

9:15 AM-3:30 PM
Session No. 103
Symposium--Management and Use of Waters of Altered or Impaired Quality: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 107, First Floor

9:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 99
Pedologic Progress, Philosophy, and Perspectives
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

9:25 AM-12:25 PM
Session No. 35
Symposium--The African Green Revolution
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 27
Graduate School Interviews
Indiana Conv. Center, Wabash 1-3, First Floor

9:50 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 53
Alternative Crops and Cropping Systems: From Sugarcane to Edamame
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Div. S-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor
Session No. 86
Div. S-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
S584 Soils Certification Board
Westin, Chamber, First Floor
Session No. 89
Trace Gases*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

10:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 115
Soil Analysis
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 104, First Floor

10:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 96
Soil Fertility in Conservation Cropping Systems
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

10:25 AM-5:00 PM
Session No. 119
Symposium--Mineralogical Regulation of Soil Carbon Storage
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor

10:40 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 123
Organic Chemical Fate and Mitigation
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 28
CCA Workshop
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor

11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Session No. 36
Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences Luncheon
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor

11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Journal of Environmental Quality Technical Editors
Marriott, Champions Restaurant, First Floor

12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Manuscript Central
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

12:00 PM-1:30 PM
S889 Coordination of Official Methods of Soil Analysis Committee
Westin, Council, First Floor
Session No. 29
Student Mentor Program
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 4, Second Floor

12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Golden Opportunity Scholar Luncheon
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7, Second Floor

12:40 PM-2:55 PM
Session No. 42
Climate Change and Agriculture
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

12:40 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 72
Barnes Graduate Student Paper Competition
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

12:55 PM-1:45 PM
Session No. 121
Symposium--Subaqueous Soils: A New Frontier in Wetlands: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

12:55 PM-2:15 PM
Session No. 51
Equipment Modifications for Increased Efficiency of Station Operations
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 100
Quantifying Pedogenesis/Div. S-5 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

12:55 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 124
Speciation, Availability, and Mobility of Metals
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor
Session No. 46
Symposium--Air Quality in the Agricultural Landscape: Measurements, Modeling, BMPs, and Emerging Regulations: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Crop Science Technical Editors
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor
Session No. 63
Graduate Student Competition--Poster Contest*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

1:00 PM-4:50 PM
Session No. 97
Symposium--Use of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers for Improved Agricultural Nutrient Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

1:10 PM-3:15 PM
Session No. 109
Long-Term Soil Changes and Development
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

1:10 PM-3:25 PM
Session No. 66
Environmental Influences on Seed Development, Seed Quality and Seedling Establishment (includes Graduate Student Competition)/Div. C-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

1:10 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 82
Measurements and Sensors: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

1:15 PM-3:55 PM
Session No. 104
Soil Erosion and P Transport
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

1:20 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 54
Cover Crops in Agricultural Systems
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

1:25 PM-2:45 PM
Session No. 90
Symposium--Consequences of Manure and Biosolid Application: Antibiotics, Pharmaceuticals and Potential Pathogen: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

1:25 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 80
Frontiers in Soil Science Research
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 57
Cultivar Development: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor
Session No. 91
Measurement, Dynamics and Biology of Trace Gases
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor
Session No. 77
Symposium--Closing the Circle on Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

1:30 PM-2:00 PM
Golden Opportunity Mentor and Scholar Discussion
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7, Second Floor

1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Soil Survey Horizons Editorial Board
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
ACS526 Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences Committee
Marriott, Albany, Second Floor
Session No. 30
Mock Interview Workshop
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor

1:30 PM-3:30 PM
S890 North American Proficiency Testing Program Oversight Committee
Westin, Council, First Floor

1:30 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 31
Internship Interviews
Indiana Conv. Center, Wabash 1-3, First Floor

1:55 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 116
Crop Nutrient Uptake and Removal
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 104, First Floor

1:55 PM-4:20 PM
Session No. 125
Organic Soils and Changing Environments
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor

2:00 PM-3:00 PM
Golden Opportunity Scholar Reports
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7, Second Floor

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 110
Soil Experimentation Examining Long-term Changes
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 111
Soil and Plant Interactions: Carbon and Root Dynamics*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 112
Soil and Plant Interactions: Nutrient Cycling*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 87
Sorption and Reactivity of Toxic Compounds in Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 49
International Agronomy*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

2:45 PM-3:25 PM
Div. C-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Div. S-5 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
ASA Board of Directors (First Session)
Marriott, Lincoln, Second Floor
Crop Science Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

3:00 PM-5:35 PM
Session No. 32
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Job Opportunities Outside Academia
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 121, First Floor

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
A731 Location of Meetings Committee
Marriott, Phoenix, Second Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Soil and Plant Analysis Council Board
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
*Red Raider Reunion
Marriott, Austin-Boston, Second Floor
Session No. 74
Biotic and Abiotic Resistance*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 21
Canola : I. From Breeding to Production*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 22
Canola: II. Planting Date, Harvest, and Economics*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 23
Canola: III. Disease and Insects*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 24
Canola: IV. Weed Control, Water Use, Seed Technology, and Biofuel Economics*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 105
Cover Crops*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 61
Crop Physiology: Response to Environmental Factors*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 43
Environmental Crop Physiology*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 58
Environmental Effects in Plant Breeding*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 45
Extension Education in Soil Management, Fertility and Nutrient Uptake*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 65
Forage and Biomass Crops*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 70
Genetics, Chemical Management, and Turf Selection/Includes Graduate Student Poster Competition: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 92
Graduate Student Competition*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 73
Grassland Uses and Forage Management*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 84
Measurements and Sensors: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 48
Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Landscape*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 117
Nutrient Management: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 126
Organic Chemical Fate and Mitigation*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 113
Poster Discussion--Soil Experimentation; Examining Long-Term Changes/ Soil and Plant Interactions: Carbon and Root Dynamics & Nutrient Cycling/Div. S-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor
Session No. 55
Potatoes and Forages in Agricultural Systems*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 40
Resident Education*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 59
Resistance to Biotic Stresses in Maize and Legumes*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 67
Seed Physiology and Production Systems (includes Graduate Student Competition)*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 94
Soil Enzyme Activities
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 101
Soil Genesis, Morphology, and Landscape Relationships*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 85
Soil Hydraulic Properties: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 83
Soil Physical Properties/Processes: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 127
Speciation, Mobility, and Mitigation of Metals*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 122
Subaqueous Soils: A New Frontier in Wetlands: III*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 47
Symposium--Air Quality in the Agricultural Landscape: Measurements, Modeling, BMPs, and Emerging Regulations: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 93
Symposium--Consequences of Manure and Biosolid Application: Antibiotics, Pharmaceuticals and Potential Pathogen: III*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 107
Symposium--Management and Use of Waters of Altered or Impaired Quality: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 106
Tillage and Soil Management: Effects on Yield and Soil Properties*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 64
Wheat and Misc . Cereals*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

4:00 PM-6:30 PM
*National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference Steering Team 2007
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

4:15 PM-5:05 PM
Session No. 78
Calvin Sperling Biodiversity Memorial Lectureship
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

4:30 PM-6:30 PM
*Crucifer Crop Germplasm Committee
Westin, Chamber, First Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Div. S-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor
Manuscript Central
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

5:00 PM-7:30 PM
*Association of Chinese Soil and Plant Scientists of North America Annual Meeting
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7, Second Floor

5:30 PM-7:00 PM
*Minnesota Mixer
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 2, Second Floor

5:30 PM-7:30 PM
*Arkansas Razorback Pig Out
Crowne Plaza, Conrail Station, First Floor
*Colorado State University Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor
*Iowa State University Mixer
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 4, Second Floor
*Missouri Reception
Crowne Plaza, Pennsylvania Station AB, First Floor
*North Dakota Blizzard Party
Marriott, Columbus, Second Floor
*Purdue Boilermaker Reception
Marriott, Florida/Illinois, First Floor

5:30 PM-8:30 PM
Session No. 37
Minorities Poster Contest and Reception*
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 122, First Floor

6:00 PM-7:30 PM
*Penn State Mixer
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
*Michigan State University Spartan Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 1, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:30 PM
Session No. 38
Committee on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Reception/Roundtable
Hilton, Indianapolis Ballroom, Second Floor

6:00 PM-9:00 PM
Session No. 33
Dinner/Awards/Business Meeting: III/Officer Elections/Officer Meeting
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5, Second Floor

6:30 PM-8:00 PM
*Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 8, Second Floor

6:55 PM-8:00 PM
SASES Business Meeting: III
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5, Second Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
*All Illinois Mixer
Marriott, Denver, Second Floor
*S1014 Mineral Controls on P Retention and Release in Soils
Westin, Council, First Floor
ACS836 Biosecurity Committee
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

7:00 PM-10:00 PM
*U.S. Canola Association Dinner
Marriott, Lincoln, Second Floor

7:30 PM-8:30 PM
AS425 Soil Judging Contest Committee
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

7:30 PM-9:00 PM
S884 Soil Micromorphology Committee
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

7:30 PM-9:30 PM
*ICASA Open Forum
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor

8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Session No. 98
N Index Discussion
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

9:15 PM-11:55 PM
Session No. 34
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5, Second Floor
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

6:30 AM-8:00 AM
*Fellowship Breakfast
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 8, Second Floor
Session No. 173
Forage and Grazing Lands Breakfast
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor
Session No. 177
Soil Test and Plant Analysis Breakfast
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7, Second Floor

7:30 AM-9:30 AM
S582 Council of Soil Science Examiners (CSSE)
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

7:50 AM-3:15 PM
Session No. 202
Symposium--Towards a Predictive Understanding of Belowground Ecosystem Responses to Global Change
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

7:55 AM-9:30 AM
Session No. 208
Wetlands, Biochemistry, and Wastewater Treatment
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

7:55 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 191
New Technologies for Soil Fertility Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

7:55 AM-11:10 AM
Session No. 212
Emerging contaminants and Land-applied Manures and Biosolids: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor

7:55 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 166
Corn and Soybean Management: I/Div. C-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

7:55 AM-2:55 PM
Session No. 183
Symposium--Biogeochemical and Biophysico-Chemical Characterizations of Soil Microsite Processes
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 122, First Floor

8:00 AM-8:10 AM
Session No. 128
U.S. Canola Research Conference
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 123-124, First Floor

8:00 AM-9:00 AM
American Society of Agronomy All Divisions Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor
Session No. 135
American Society of Agronomy All Divisions Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Session No. 168
Fertility, Disease and Physiological Responses in Turf/Includes Graduate Student Poster Competition: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

8:00 AM-11:45 AM
ASF Board of Directors
Marriott, Albany, Second Floor

8:00 AM-11:55 AM
Session No. 180
Symposium--Soil Bio-Physical and Environmental Controls on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: I. In Honor of Dennis E. Rolston
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

8:00 AM-4:55 PM
Session No. 205
Symposium--New Advances in Understanding and Quantification of Plant N Uptake
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 104, First Floor

8:00 AM-5:00 PM
*PPI Staff Training
Westin, Chamber, First Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 142
Educational Materials Display
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

8:10 AM-11:25 AM
Session No. 129
Biofuel and Industrial Applications
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 123-124, First Floor

8:10 AM-2:30 PM
Session No. 159
Symposium--Advances in Phenotyping
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 174
Symposium--Modeling the Grassland Agroecosystem
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 185
Characterizing Pool Sizes, Chemistry and Kinetics of Soil Organic Matter
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

8:25 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 213
Phosphorus Assessment and Mitigation Tools
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor

8:25 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 195
Howard M. Taylor Memorial Lecture on Root Soil Relationships/Div. S-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 107, First Floor
Session No. 176
Molecular Markers and Genetic Mapping/Div. C-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

8:25 AM-2:45 PM
Session No. 193
Symposium--High Intensity Soil Surveys: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 132
Writing Manuscripts for Publication
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor

8:30 AM-11:30 AM
ACS321 Editorial Affairs Committee
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

8:55 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 163
Crop Physiology: Stress and General Physiology
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 210, Second Floor

8:55 AM-4:05 PM
Session No. 140
Symposium--The Effects of Rising CO2 and Ozone: From Gene Expression to Yield Under FACE
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

9:00 AM-11:00 AM
S890 North American Proficiency Testing Program Oversight Committee
Westin, Council, First Floor

9:00 AM-11:35 AM
Session No. 169
Symposium--Turfgrass Improvement via Comparative Genomics of Cereals
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor

9:10 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 131
Symposium--Feedstock Production for the New Bioeconomy: Opportunities and Roadblocks
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

9:15 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 133
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 121, First Floor

9:20 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 152
Symposium--Agricultural Automation/Div. A-8 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 143
Extension Education Programming Methodology
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor
Session No. 149
Issues Involving Enchroachment on Agriculture Experiment Stations/Div. A-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor
Session No. 136
Symposium--Case Studies
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 146
Symposium--Air Quality in the Agricultural Landscape: Measurements, Modeling, BMPs, and Emerging Regulations: III
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor

9:25 AM-12:45 PM
Session No. 138
The Role of Vegetation in Mitigating Military Land Use Impacts
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 156
Div. A-9 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor
Div. A-9 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

9:30 AM-11:20 AM
Session No. 209
William Patrick Wetland Biochemistry Memorial Lectureship/Div. S-10 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Div. S-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 107, First Floor

10:00 AM-11:45 AM
Crop Science Biometry Working Group
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 186
Composition, Function and Activity of Soil Microbial Communities*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 189
Soil Aggregates and Physical Fractions*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 187
Symposium--Characterization of Soil Biotransformations and Implications for Ecosystem Function: A Tribute to the Work of Dean A. Martens: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 188
Symposium--Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter: Implications For Soil Function: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

10:20 AM-11:20 AM
Div. S-10 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Div. C-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

10:45 AM-11:45 AM
Div. A-8 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Div. C-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Div. A-7 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

12:25 PM-2:45 PM
Session No. 175
Whats New in Forage Legumes/Div. C-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

12:35 PM-2:35 PM
Div. C-5 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor
Session No. 170
Div. C-5 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor

12:45 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 214
Emerging contaminants and Land-applied Manures and Biosolids: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor

12:50 PM-4:40 PM
Session No. 153
Symposium--Land Use
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 150
Agriculture Experiment Station Challenges and Partnerships
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:50 PM
Session No. 196
Tillage and Soil Management Effects on Soil Properties
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 107, First Floor

12:55 PM-4:15 PM
Session No. 197
Drainage Water Management in the Midwest: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

12:55 PM-5:10 PM
Session No. 192
Management of Soil Nitrogen Fertility
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

12:55 PM-5:15 PM
Session No. 148
Advances in International Agriculture/Div. A-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

1:00 PM-2:00 PM
C953 International Crop Science Committee
Westin, Cameral, First Floor
CAST Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Div. C-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 210, Second Floor
Session No. 164
Div. C-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 210, Second Floor

1:00 PM-4:45 PM
Session No. 130
Nutrition/Industry Production
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 123-124, First Floor

1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 157
Symposium--Impact of Innovative Technologies in Precision Agriculture Nutrient Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

1:10 PM-2:45 PM
Session No. 167
Corn and Soybean Management: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

1:10 PM-3:55 PM
Session No. 181
Symposium--Soil Bio-Physical and Environmental Controls on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: II. In Honor of Dennis E. Rolston
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

1:10 PM-4:40 PM
Session No. 210
Symposium--Soil and Water Quality Functions of Wetlands
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

1:15 PM-3:15 PM
ACS320 Book and Multimedia Publishing Committee
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

1:30 PM-2:30 PM
S101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 134
2006 USDA/CSREES NRI Managed Ecosystem Project Investigators Reports
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 121, First Floor

1:45 PM-2:45 PM
Div. C-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

1:45 PM-6:25 PM
Session No. 190
Francis E. Clark Distinguished Lectureship--Characterization of Soil Biotransformations and Implications for Ecosystem Function: A Tribute to the Work of Dean A. Martens: II/Div. S-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

1:55 PM-3:35 PM
Session No. 139
Impact of Urban Encroachment on Military Installations
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

2:10 PM-4:30 PM
Session No. 137
Resident Education: I/Div. A-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Session No. 178
Projects of the Soil Processes Program of the National Research Initiative*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
One-on-One with the Editor of Agronomy Journal
Westin, Council, First Floor
Session No. 184
Phosphorus and Organic Matter Reactions in Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Div. A-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor
Session No. 203
Towards a Predictive Understanding to Belowground Ecosystem Responses to Global Change*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

3:40 PM-5:30 PM
Session No. 158
Betty Klepper Endowed Lectureship/CSSA Awards/Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 6, Second Floor

3:45 PM-5:15 PM
Div. A-6 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 147
Div. A-5/Div. S-11 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor
Div. A-5/Div. S-11 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor
Div. S-11/Div. A-5 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor
Session No. 215
Div. S-11/Div. A-5 Business Meetings
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor
Vadose Zone Journal Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 155
Agricultural Systems from Precision Farming and Remote Sensing to Elevated CO2 and Microbial Diversity*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 151
Agriculture Research Station Innovations, Education, and Research
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 141
Agronomic and Meteorological Modeling*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 165
Crop Physiology: Growth and Development, and Yield*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 172
Disease and Weed Management*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 200
Drainage Water Management in the Midwest: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 216
Emerging contaminants and Land-applied Manures and Biosolids: III
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 161
End-use Quality in Soybean and Peanut*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 145
Extension Methodology in Crop Programs*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 144
Extension Methodology in Soils, Nutrient and Water Management Programs*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 182
Flow and Transport Processes: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 162
Genes and Genetic Variation in Plant Breeding*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 171
Irrigation Water and Water Management*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 211
Mapping, Classification, and Process-Level Studies of Wetland Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 207
Minerals in the Environment*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 206
Nutrient Management: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 217
P, N, and C: Fate, Transport, and Assessment*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 199
Phosphorus Transport with Sediment*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 160
Resistance to Biotic Stresses in Small Grains*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 194
Symposium--High Intensity Soil Surveys: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 201
Symposium--Sediment Pollution from River Bank Erosion: Characterization and Budget: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 198
Tillage and Soil Management: Effects on Soil C and GHG Emmissions*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 154
Tillage, Residue Management, Fertility and Plant Arrangement in Agricultural Systems*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

4:00 PM-8:30 PM
Session No. 179
NRI's Soil Processes Program: Reports, Assessments and Future Directions
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor

4:25 PM-5:25 PM
Div. S-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

4:30 PM-5:30 PM
CSSA Awards Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7-10, Second Floor
Session No. 204
Poster Discussion--Towards a Predictive Understanding of Belowground Responses to Global Change
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Cool Season Legume Crop Germplasm Committee
Westin, Caucus, First Floor

5:00 PM-7:00 PM
*University of Florida Gator Gathering
Crowne Plaza, Grand Central Station, First Floor

5:30 PM-6:30 PM
Golden Opportunity Committee and Mentor Review Meeting
Marriott, Columbus, Second Floor

5:30 PM-7:00 PM
ACS237 Membership and Society Identity Committee
Westin, Council, First Floor

5:30 PM-7:30 PM
*Cornell Thirsty Bear Reception
Marriott, Austin-Boston, Second Floor
*Friends of Brigham Young University
Marriott, Lincoln, Second Floor
*Kansas State University Reception
Crowne Plaza, Victoria Station, First Floor
S-3 Soil Quality Working Group
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
*Davey Reception
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor
*Ohio State University Buckeye Bash
Marriott, Denver, Second Floor

6:30 PM-7:30 PM
Association of Women Soil Scientists
Westin, Cameral, First Floor
S880 Soils Geomorphology Committee
Westin, Congress 1-2, First Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
S205.1 Council on History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Soil Science
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

7:00 PM-10:00 PM
*Badger Huddle
Crowne Plaza, Conrail Station, First Floor

7:30 PM-10:00 PM
*Univ. of Idaho/Oregon State Univ./Washington State Univ. Reception
Crowne Plaza, Pennsylvania Station ABC, First Floor
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

6:30 AM-8:00 AM
Session No. 232
Extension Agronomist Breakfast
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 9-10, Second Floor

7:00 AM-9:00 AM
Agronomy Journal Technical Editors
Marriott, Circle City Bar & Grille, First Floor

7:15 AM-4:30 PM
Session No. 288
Land Use and Soils Tour
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor

7:15 AM-5:30 PM
Session No. 242
Agronomy Tour
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor

7:50 AM-11:45 AM
Session No. 243
Symposium--Systems Research: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

7:50 AM-12:10 PM
Session No. 218
U.S. Canola Research Conference--Canola Agronomy: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 123-124, First Floor

7:55 AM-9:00 AM
Session No. 295
Environmental Impacts on Soil Processes
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

7:55 AM-10:20 AM
Session No. 258
Symposium--Improving Student Learning
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor

7:55 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 256
Symposium--Seed Storage for Temperate and Tropical Regions
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

7:55 AM-11:05 AM
Session No. 220
Symposium--Agronomic Biosecurity
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 121, First Floor

7:55 AM-11:25 AM
Session No. 305
Emerging contaminants and Land-applied Manures and Biosolids: IV
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor

7:55 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 271
Genetic Diversity: Historical Relevance, Measurement, Conservation, and Use/Div. C-8 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

7:55 AM-3:30 PM
Session No. 281
Symposium--Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter: Implications For Soil Function: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

7:55 AM-3:45 PM
Session No. 300
Symposium--Integrating Weather Variability into Nitrogen Recommendations
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 104, First Floor

7:55 AM-4:00 PM
Session No. 290
Symposium--Sediment Pollution from River Bank Erosion: Characterization and Budget: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
*GRASS 48 Re-Issuance
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

8:00 AM-10:30 AM
Applied Turfgrass Management
Westin, Congress 1-2, First Floor

8:00 AM-11:50 AM
Session No. 301
Symposium in Honor of Richard Drees: From Field to Lab and Back Again: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 109, First Floor

8:00 AM-5:00 PM
*PPI Staff Training
Westin, Chamber, First Floor

8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Session No. 233
Educational Materials Display
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

8:10 AM-11:00 AM
Session No. 265
Pastures and Grazing Systems
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 211, Second Floor

8:10 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 229
Gas Exchange: From the Individual Leaf to Ecosystem Scales/Div. A-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

8:10 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 277
Flow and Transport Processes: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor
Session No. 246
Resistance to Biotic Stresses/Div. C-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:10 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 241
Symposium--Emerging Rice-Maize Systems in Asia
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

8:25 AM-10:15 AM
Session No. 259
Weed Control in Turfgrasses
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 250
Crop Physiology: Nutrient Physiology
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 210, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 236
Nutrients, Metals, and Contaminants in Soil and Water: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:55 AM
Session No. 291
Water Quality, Irrigation and Plant Water Use
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 107, First Floor

8:25 AM-11:20 AM
Session No. 252
Symposium--Reassessing Corn And Soybean Response To Defoliation Injury: I
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 6, Second Floor

8:25 AM-12:15 PM
Session No. 268
Symposium--Genomic Technology and its Use in Crop Improvement
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

8:25 AM-3:15 PM
Session No. 221
Symposium--Soils and Human Health
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 120, First Floor

8:55 AM-10:15 AM
Session No. 303
Wetland Soil Processes, Hydrology, and Classification
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 110, First Floor

8:55 AM-10:30 AM
Session No. 225
Resident Education: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

8:55 AM-10:35 AM
Session No. 227
Role of Disturbance in Promoting Ecological Health and Diversity
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

8:55 AM-11:15 AM
Session No. 234
Extension Education in Corn, Soybeans and Wheat/Div. A-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor
Session No. 282
Nitrogen Transformations and Soil Biology
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor

9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Journal of Environmental Quality Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

9:10 AM-11:30 AM
Session No. 279
Metals in the Soil Environment: Transformation and Speciation
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 122, First Floor

9:55 AM-12:30 PM
Session No. 296
Soil Carbon: Content, Processes, and Management Impacts
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

10:00 AM-11:00 AM
A711.15 Centennial Planning Committee
Westin, Council, First Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 283
Land Use and Management Effects on Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 285
Nitrogen and Micro Nutrient Fertility Management*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 284
Soil Biology and Plant Roots
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

10:15 AM-11:15 AM
Div. A-3 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor
Div. A-4 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

10:25 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 260
What's New in the Turfgrass Industry
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Div. C-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor
Div. C-8 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

10:30 AM-1:00 PM
Crop Management Editorial Board
Westin, Cabinet, First Floor

11:30 AM-1:15 PM
Session No. 222
ASA Awards Luncheon
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7-10, Second Floor
ASA Luncheon and Awards Program
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7-10, Second Floor

12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Session No. 266
Pastures and Grazing*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Session No. 306
Carbon Sequestration and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases: I*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 286
Fertilizer Technology*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 287
Manure Management, P fertility, and Soil Amendments*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 289
Pedologic Processes: Measurement and Interpretation*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 302
Poster Symposium in Honor of Richard Drees: From Field to Lab and Back Again: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 292
Soil Erosion*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 280
Sorption and Speciation of Nutrients and Trace Metals in Soils
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 294
Water Conservation, Soil Water Availability, and Groundwater Recharge*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 293
Water Quality and Hydrology*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

12:45 PM-3:10 PM
Session No. 272
Symposium--New Crops and Applications
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

12:45 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 244
Symposium--Systems Research: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

12:55 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 307
Phosphorus Availability and Mobility in Land- Applied Wastes
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor

1:00 PM-1:30 PM
New Agronomy Journal Associate Editor Training
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 261
Cold Tolerance, Winter Management and Salinity Issues*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 298
Fire Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen in Forest and Range Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 263
Physical and Cultural Management of Turfgrass and Turf Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 262
Soil Fertility and Chemistry of Turf Soils*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 297
Soil Nutrient Availability and Fertilization Effects*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

1:00 PM-3:30 PM
Session No. 230
Symposium--Agroclimatology Across Time and Space: In Honor of E. T. Kanemasu
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Session No. 264
Symposium--Advances in Soil Water Repellency - Causes and Alleviation in Turf
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

1:05 PM-4:35 PM
Session No. 219
U.S. Canola Research Conference--Canola Agronomy: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 123-124, First Floor

1:10 PM-3:45 PM
Session No. 278
Soil Hydraulic Properties: II and Div. S-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

1:25 PM-5:15 PM
Session No. 269
Symposium--Marker-Assisted Selection Strategies in Crop Improvement
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Agronomy Journal Editorial Board
Westin, Senate 1-3, Second Floor

1:40 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 237
Microorganisms and Environmental Quality
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 5, Second Floor

1:45 PM-7:00 PM
Session No. 267
Forage Tour
Indiana Conv. Center, Maryland Street Lobby-East, First Floor

1:55 PM-3:00 PM
Session No. 226
Resident Education: III
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

2:00 PM-3:00 PM
A101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Westin, Caucus, First Floor
C101 Nominations for President-Elect Committee
Westin, Cameral, First Floor

2:00 PM-3:30 PM
*USDA-ARS Scientists
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 4, Second Floor

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 304
Wetland Functions and Biochemistry: Riparian and Agriculture Settings
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Session No. 223
Grant Writing Navigation
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 121, First Floor

2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Div. S-1 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session No. 299
Poster Discussion--Soil Nutrient Availability and Fertilization Effects/Fire Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen in Forest and Range Soils
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 108, First Floor

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Session No. 247
Abiotic Stress Tolerance*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 228
Assessing Mission Impacts and Mitigation Practices*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 240
Bioremediation and Biomass Production*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 275
Classification, Phyologeny, Ancestry, and Barriers to Hybridization*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 273
Conservation and Evaluation of Crop Germplasm*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 254
Corn, Soybean and Sorghum*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 251
Crop Physiology: Nutrient Response and General Physiology*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 248
End-use Quality in Cereals*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 231
Evapotranspiration and the Microclimate*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 235
Extension Education in Crop Management and Cropping Systems*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 249
Forage Breeding and Genetics*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 270
Genetic Mapping and Molecular Analysis*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 274
Germplasm Utilization to Solve Disease and Pest Problems
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 255
Managment and Quality of Misc. Crops*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 238
Microorganisms and Environmental Quality*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 239
Nutrients, Metals, and Contaminants in Soil and Water: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 257
Seed Production and Quality Assessments*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 253
Symposium--Reassessing Corn and Soybean Response to Defoliation Injury: II*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
Session No. 245
Symposium--Systems Research: III*
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor

4:00 PM-6:30 PM
Session No. 276
Nyle C. Brady Frontiers of Soil Science Lectureship/SSSA Awards/Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 5-6, Second Floor

4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 1, Second Floor
Session No. 224
Early Career Member Social
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor
Early Career Social
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 3, Second Floor

5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Gerald O. Mott Scholarship Committee
Marriott, Albany, Second Floor

5:30 PM-6:30 PM
SSSA Awards Reception
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 7-10, Second Floor

6:15 PM-7:15 PM
ACS837 Hydropedology Working Group
Westin, Congress 1-2, First Floor

7:00 PM-9:00 PM
2007 Program Planning
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 4, Second Floor
Nebraska Cornhusker Mixer
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor
Thursday, November 16, 2006

7:25 AM-10:05 AM
Session No. 315
Cultural Techniques for Turfgrass Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 3, Second Floor

7:50 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 312
Agricultural Systems and Weed Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 206-207, Second Floor

7:55 AM-10:00 AM
Session No. 323
Forest Management and Disturbance Effects on Soils
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor
Session No. 320
Soil Biology and the Rhizosphere
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 103, First Floor

7:55 AM-10:10 AM
Session No. 322
Symposium--Sediment Pollution from River Bank Erosion: Characterization and Budget: III
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 106, First Floor

7:55 AM-10:40 AM
Session No. 316
Turfgrass Salinity, Wetness, and Drought Issues
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 4, Second Floor

7:55 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 325
Nutrient Management BMPs
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 104, First Floor

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
SSSA Board of Directors (Second Session)
Marriott, Marriott Ballroom 10, Second Floor

8:10 AM-9:35 AM
Session No. 309
Innovative Approaches to Measure and Control Erosion and Sediment Transport
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

8:10 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 313
Gene Introgression and MarkerAssisted Breeding
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 208-209, Second Floor

8:25 AM-9:30 AM
Session No. 326
Nutrient Mass Balance and Mitigation
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 116, First Floor
Session No. 308
Resident Education: IV
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 201-202, Second Floor

8:25 AM-9:45 AM
Session No. 327
Carbon Sequestration and Mitigation of Green House Gases: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor
Session No. 314
Cereal Management
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 205, Second Floor

8:25 AM-10:45 AM
Session No. 317
Transformation and Genetic Analysis
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 7, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:20 AM
Session No. 318
Soil Physical Properties/Processes: II
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 1, Second Floor

8:25 AM-11:25 AM
Session No. 321
Impact of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Soil
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 105, First Floor

8:55 AM-10:25 AM
Session No. 311
Climate and Weather Data Sources
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 203-204, Second Floor

8:55 AM-10:35 AM
Session No. 319
Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter and Phosphorus
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 102, First Floor

9:00 AM-10:00 AM
CSSA Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
Marriott, Columbus, Second Floor

9:55 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 310
Twenty Years of Inventorying and Monitoring Military Lands/Div. A-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
CSSA Board of Directors (Second Session)
Marriott, Lincoln, Second Floor

10:10 AM-12:00 PM
Session No. 324
Soil Nutrient Availability and Additions
Indiana Conv. Center, Sagamore 2, Second Floor

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Div. A-2 Business Meeting
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 101, First Floor

12:00 PM-2:00 PM
ASA Board of Directors (Second Session)
Marriott, Santa Fe, Second Floor

View The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 12-16, 2006) At a Glance

* Poster available online

[ Recorded presentation ] Recordings available online