Symposium--Perspectives on Climate Effects on Agriculture: The International Efforts of AgMIP

Oral Session

Special Sessions

Climate effects on agriculture are of increasing concern in both the scientific and policy community because of the growing population and the greater uncertainty in the weather during a growing season. Changes in production are directly linked to variations in temperature and precipitation during the growing season and often to the offseason changes in weather because of soil water storage to replenish the soil profile. This is not an isolated problem but one of worldwide interest because each country has a concern about their food security. The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) was developed to begin to evaluate crop models and intercompare their ability to predict climate impacts on crop production. Currently there are efforts to improve these models through better understanding of the CO2 x temperature x water interactions on plant growth and development. This aspect is critical to ensure models can adequately address plant response to the changing climate. This session is established to provide a forum for exchange of results from different regions and cropping systems around the world. AgMIP has grown into a project which has participants from 40 countries and this session will allow these groups to share their information and results in order to develop interactions and collaborations at the global scale. One of the outcomes of this session will be the third volume in the Handbook on Climate Change which will include chapters from the presenters in this session.


Climatology & Modeling
Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling Community, Global Climate Change Community, Model Applications in Field Research Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:00 AM-4:10 PM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Grand Ballroom H
Daniel Hillel , Cynthia Rosenzweig and Jerry L. Hatfield
Daniel Hillel and Cynthia Rosenzweig
8:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:05 AM
Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project: Phase I Activities By a Global Community Of Science.
Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies; James W. Jones, University of Florida; Jerry L. Hatfield, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; John M Antle, Oregon State University; Carolyn Z. Mutter, Columbia University; Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
8:20 AM
New Methods for Regional Assessment of Climate Impact and Adaptation of Agricultural Systems.
John M Antle, Oregon State University; Roberto O Valdivia, Oregon State University; James W. Jones, University of Florida
8:35 AM
AgMIP Climate Datasets and Scenarios.
Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Jonathan Winter, Columbia University; Sonali Prabhat McDermid, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
8:50 AM
Crop Modelling In AgMIP: A New Protocol-Driven Approach For Regional Integrated Assessments.
Peter J Thorburn, CSIRO; Kenneth J. Boote, University of Florida; John Hargreaves, CSIRO; Perry Poulton, CSIRO; James W. Jones, University of Florida
9:05 AM
Representative Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach to Agricultural Model Inter-Comparison, Improvement and Climate Impact Assessment.
Roberto O Valdivia, Oregon State University; John M Antle, Oregon State University; Lieven Claessens, ICRISAT; Gerald C. Nelson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies; Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Joost Vervoort, Oxford University
9:20 AM
The AgMIP IT Systems: New Data Interoperability Tools.
Cheryl H Porter, University of Florida; Chris H Villalobos, University of Florida; James W. Jones, University of Florida; Kenneth J. Boote, University of Florida
9:35 AM
9:50 AM
Climate Change Impacts On West African Agriculture.
Samuel G.K Adiku, University of Ghana; Sibiry Pierre Traore, ICRISAT
10:05 AM
Impacts of Climate Variability and Change On Agricultural Systems in Eastern Africa.
Karuturi P.C. Rao, ICRISAT; Richard M. Mulwa, University of Nairobi; Gummadi Sridhar, ICRISAT; Benson M. Wafula, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute; Mary N. Kilavi, Kenay Meteorological Department
10:20 AM
Southern Africa Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project.
Yacob Beletse, Agricultural Research Council; W. Durand, Agricultural Research Council-Small Grain Institute; Olivier Crespo, University of Cape Town; Sue Walker, University of Free State; Matthew Jones, South African Sugarcaen Research Institute; W. Tesfuhuney, University of the Free State; C. Nhemachena, Human Sciences Research Council; M. Teweldemdhin, Polytechnic of Namibia; M. Gamedze, Swaziland Meteorological Services; T. Mpuisang, Botswana College of Agriculture; P. Gwimbi, Lesotho National University; Davide Cammarano, University of Florida
10:35 AM
Crop-Livestock Intensification in the Face of Climate Change: Exploring Opportunities to Reduce Risk and Increase Resilience In Southern Africa Using an Integrated Multi-Modeling Approach.
P. Masikati, ICRISAT Bulawayo; O. Crespo, University of Cape Town; Katrien Descheemaeker, Wageningen University; S. Walker, University of Free State; S. Homann Kee Tui, ICRISAT Bulawayo; Lieven Claessens, ICRISAT; S. Famba, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane; A. van Rooyen, ICRISAT Bulawayo; Arthur Gama, Bunda College of Agriculture; C. Lennard, University of Cape Town
10:50 AM
Climate Change Vulnerability Of Rice Productivity In Pakistan.
Ashfaq Ahmad, University of Agriculture; Gerrit Hoogenboom, Washington State University; Syed Aftab Wajid, University of Agriculture,; Tasneem Khaliq, University of Agriculture,; Shakeel Ahmad, Bahauddin Zakariya University; Wajid Naseem, COMSTATS; Jamshad Hussain, Agro-climatology Laboratory; Habib Rahman, Agro-climatology Laboratory; Umar Saeed, Agro-climatology Laboratory; Fahd Rasul, University of agriculture faisalabad Pkaistan
11:05 AM
Integrated Climate Change Assessment Through Linking Crop Simulation With Economic Modeling – Preliminary Results From The Indo-Gangetic Basin.
Nataraja Subash, Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research (ICAR); Babooji Gangwar, Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research (ICAR); Harbir Singh, Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research (ICAR); Guillermo Baigorria, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
11:20 AM
Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts On Principal Crops and Farm Household Incomes in Southern India.
Paramasivam Ponnusamy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; Geethalakshmi Vellingiri, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; Raji Reddy Danda, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University; Lakshmanan Arunachalam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; Dakshina Murthy Medha Kadiyala, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University
11:35 AM
Modeling The Impacts Of a Variable and Changing Climate On Rice and Sugarcane In Sri Lanka.
Lareef Zubair, Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology; Sarath Nissanka, University of Peradeniya
11:50 AM
AgMIP Regional Activities In a Global Framework: The Brazil Experience.
Eduardo Assad, EMBRAPA; Fabio Ricardo Marin, University of São Paulo - ESALQ; Roberto O Valdivia, Oregon State University; Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies
12:05 PM
Lunch Break
1:20 PM
Agriculture In Global Scenarios: New Multi-Model Economic Results.
Gerald C. Nelson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1:35 PM
The Ag-GRID Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison (GGCMI).
Joshua Elliott, University of Chicago and ANL; Christoph Mueller, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research; Delphine Deryng, Tyndall Centre University of East Anglia; Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Roberto C. Izaurralde, Battelle Pacific NW Lab.; Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies
1:50 PM
AgMIP Coordinated Climate-Crop Modeling Project (C3MP).
Sonali Prabhat McDermid, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies
2:05 PM
Uncertainties in Scaling Up Crop Models for Large Area Climate Change Impact Assessments.
Frank Ewert, University of Bonn; Lenny G.J. van Bussel, University of Bonn
2:20 PM
Statistical Analysis of Large Simulated Yield Datasets for Studying Climate Change Effect.
David Makowski, INRA; Simona Bassu, INRA; Davide Cammarano, University of Florida; Senthold Asseng, University of Florida; Jean-Louis Durand, INRA; James W. Jones, University of Florida; Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies; Kenneth J. Boote, University of Florida; Frank Ewert, University of Bonn; Jerry L. Hatfield, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; Alex C Ruane, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Peter J Thorburn, CSIRO; Nadine Brisson, NA; Daniel Wallach, INRA - National Institute of Agronomic Research; Claudio O. Stockle, Washington State University; Bruno Basso, Michigan State University; Pierre Martre, INRA; D Ripoche, INRA; Patrick Bertuzzi, INRA; Jeffrey W. White, USDA-ARS; Jon Lisazo, upm; A myriam, CIRAD; Christian Baron, CIRAD; C Müller, plk
2:35 PM
Crop Diseases and Climate Change in the AgMIP Framework.
Ariena VanBruggen, University of Florida; James W. Jones, University of Florida; Senthold Asseng, University of Florida; Jose Mauricio Fernandez, EMBRAPA; K Garrett, Kansas State University; Pamela Anderson, International Potato Center (CIP)
2:50 PM
AgMIP Training Program: Multiple Models and Tools.
Kenneth J. Boote, University of Florida; Cheryl H Porter, University of Florida; Peter J Thorburn, CSIRO; John Hargreaves, CSIRO; Gerrit Hoogenboom, Washington State University
3:05 PM
3:50 PM
4:05 PM
Concluding Remarks
4:10 PM
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