Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
170: Weed & Disease Management and PGR's
Sponsor:C05 Turfgrass Science
Use of PGRs to Enhance the Establishment of 'Shadow Turf' Zoysiagrass in Shaded Environments.
Gerald Henry, Texas Tech University, Bradley Sladek, Texas Tech University, Dick Auld, Texas Tech University
Antioxidative Response of Transgenic Creeping Bentgrass Overexpressing Cytokinin Under Heat Stress.
Yan Xu, Rutgers University, Bingru Huang, Rutgers University
The Role of Spray Adjuvants in Improving Efficacy of Foramsulfuron for Dallisgrass Control.
Gerald Henry, Texas Tech University
Tolerance of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars to Mesotrione.
Prasanta Bhowmik, University of Massachusetts, Jeffrey Ebdon, University of Massachusetts, D. Sarkar, University of Massachuestts
Identification of Mutations in Poa annua Alpha-Tubulin Conferring Resistance to Dinitroanilines.
Matthew Cutulle, University of Tennessee, J. Scott McElroy, University of Tennessee, C. Neal Stewart, University of Tennessee, Joshua S. Yuan, University of Tennessee
Blue Grama Response to Preemergence Herbicides Applied at Seeding.
Shane Andersen, South Dakota State University, Leo Schleicher, South Dakota State University
Evaluating the Use of Bispyribac-Sodium with Plant Growth Regulators to Control Annual Bluegrass in Creeping Bentgrass Greens.
Justin Moss, University of Wyoming
Safety of Various Herbicides on ‘Sea Spray' Seashore Paspalum Seedlings.
Aaron Patton, University of Arkansas, Michael Richardson, University of Arkansas, Jon Trappe, University of Arkansas
Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) Seedling Tolerance to Preemerge Herbicides.
Kevin Hensler, Virginia Tech, James M. Goatley Jr., Virginia Tech, Shawn D. Askew, Virginia Tech, John B. Willis, Virginia Tech, Erik H. Ervin, Virginia Tech
Suppressing Annual Bluegrass in a Creeping Bentgrass Fairway with Various Combinations of Paclobutrazol, Trinexapac-ethyl and Prodiamine.
Cale Bigelow, Purdue University-Agronomy Dept., Glenn Hardebeck, Purdue University-Agronomy Dept.
Annual Bluegrass Control in Perennial Ryegrass and Tall Fescue with Bispyribac Sodium.
Stephen Hart, Rutgers State University Accounts Payable, Patrick McCullough, Rutgers University
Alternanthera Pungens Control in Bermudagrass.
Ryan Goss, New Mexico State University, Gabriel Ludwig, New Mexico State University
Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Creeping Bentgrass Quality, Dollar Spot Incidence, and Annual Bluegrass Infestation.
John Street, Ohio State University - Columbus, Deborah Holdren, Ohio State University - Columbus, David Gardner, Ohio State University - Columbus
Evaluation of Plant Growth Regulators for Poa annua Reduction in an Agrostis stolonifera Fairway.
Nick Kray, Iowa State University, Nick Christians, Iowa State University
Tolerance of St. Augustinegrass to sulfosulfuron.
Jeffrey Beasley, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Ron Strahan, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Daniel Taverner, Louisiana State University AgCenter
Poa trivialis Control with Bispyribac-sodium and Sulfosulfuron in Creeping Bentgrass.
Patrick McCullough, Rutgers University, Stephen Hart, Rutgers State University Accounts Payable
Response of Three Moss Species Common in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens to Carfentrazone and Mancozeb plus Copper Hydroxide.
Steven Borst, University of Tennessee, J. Scott McElroy, University of Tennessee, John C. Sorochan, University of Tennessee, Greg K. Breeden, University of Tennessee

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