Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Second Floor
Carbon sequestration capabilities of cropland soils in Montana have received little attention due to the lack of measured sequestration rates. Our objective is to measure the effects of no-till and increased cropping intensity on soil organic carbon (SOC) levels in dryland cropping via long-term (10+ yr) experiments. In fall 2002, farmer-managed field-scale trials (8 - 12 ha) were begun at six sites in north central Montana and a plot-scale study (0.016 ha) was begun near Bozeman. The field-scale trials compare tilled wheat-fallow, no-till wheat-fallow, tilled wheat-legume, and no-till wheat-legume systems. Change in SOC among systems in the field-scale trials was not detected after 4 yr. Previous studies have shown that significant changes in SOC are often undetected until after 6 yr following change in soil management. The replicated plot trial compares tilled fallow-wheat, no-till fallow-wheat, no-till continuous wheat, no till legume-wheat, and unmanaged perennial alfalfa-grass (i.e. CRP) systems. Soil organic C levels (0-30 cm) after 4 yr averaged 35.3 and 36.3 MT/ha for fallow-wheat and annual cropping systems, respectively. Thus, soil organic C (0-30 cm) was sequestered at a rate of approximately 0.25 MT/ha/yr in the annually cropped no-till systems compared to fallow-wheat systems (P=0.02). The perennial alfalfa-grass system sequestered SOC at a rate of 0.67 MT/ha/yr compared to fallow-wheat systems (P<0.01). No effect of tillage on SOC was detected in wheat-fallow systems at Bozeman after 4 yr. We are currently analyzing SOC from the 6th year of these long-term studies (2008), intending to present these results at the 2009 annual ASA-CSSA-SSSA conference. These long-term studies promise to increase our understanding of SOC sequestration rates for semiarid cropping systems in Montana. This project has been supported by CASMGS, NRCS-Conservation Innovation Grants Program, DOE Big Sky Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, and Montana Wheat and Barley Committee.