Minority Student Poster Competition

Poster Session

Special Sessions

One of the main objectives of the Minorities in Agronomy Committee (ACS 528), established more than a decade ago and now called 'Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Committee' since 2010, is to encourage involvement and participation by minority students and professionals in the Tri-Societies’ programs and activities. To meet committee's objectives, all students that identify themselves as ethnically diverse are encouraged to participate in annual meetings of the Tri-Societies through poster abstract submissions for general sessions across divisions in the Tri-Societies. Minority student participation in this competition requires successful submission of poster abstracts to respective division(s) of the Tri-Societies; a copy of the submitted abstract, name of authors and division to be emailed to the Diversity Committee chair or designate for inclusion in the minority student poster competition. This is one of the important activities of the Diversity Committee (ACS 528) during Annual meetings of the Tri-Societies. For 2013 annual meetings at Tampa (FL), completed posters must be received by the Diversity Committee no later than November 1, 2013. Evaluation, selection and notification of winners will be done prior to the annual meetings. Three winners will be awarded cash prizes of $300 (1st prize), $250 (2nd prize) and $200 (3rd prize) during the Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2013. All participants will receive Certificates of Appreciation.


Special Sessions
Monday, November 4, 2013: 5:00 PM-8:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 25
Eton E. Codling