Hydropedology – 10 Years Later and 10 Years Into the Future: II

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Pedology

This is a state-of-the-art symposium after the 1st hydropedology symposium held 10 years ago in 2003 Tri-Societies annual meetings. It is intended to provide the community with the latest developments and future outlooks on this emerging interdisciplinary field. The specific objectives are: 1) To take stock and analyze what has been accomplished so far in hydropedology and to identify where knowledge gaps are; 2) To promote exciting breakthrough collaborations among pedology, soil physics/hydrology, soil biology, and other branches of soil science, as well as hydrology, geomorphology, and other related bio- and geo-sciences; and 3) To charter a roadmap for advancing the frontiers of hydropedology in the next decade.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Hangsheng Lin , Patrick J. Drohan and Timothy R. Green
Hangsheng Lin , Patrick J. Drohan and Timothy R. Green
Hydropedology of a Benchmark Catena in the Carolina Slate Belt.
David L. Lindbo, North Carolina State University; Aziz Amoozegar, North Carolina State University; Deborah Anderson, NRCS; Michael J. Vepraskas, North Carolina State University; Roy L. Vick Jr., USDA-NRCS
Investigating Fractal Distribution of Mass From the Millimeter- to Decimeter-Scale in Two Kansas Soils.
Daniel R. Hirmas, University of Kansas; Daniel Gimenez, Rutgers University
Soil and Topographic Influences On Spatiotemporal Patterns of Saturated Zones.
Lauren F. Vitko, Pennsylvania State University; Patrick J. Drohan, Pennsylvania State University; Anthony R. Buda, USDA-ARS; Peter J. A. Kleinman, USDA-ARS
Developing NRCS Snotel and SCAN Soil Moisture Parameters For Water Supply Forecasting Applications.
Deborah S Harms, National Soil Survey Center; Jolyne Lea, USDA-NRCS-National Water and Climate Center; Candiss O. Williams, USDA-NRCS
Hydropedologic Influence On Soil Manganese Distribution, Form and Reactivity Near Seeps in a Forested Catchment.
Donald S. Ross, University of Vermont; Rebecca R. Bourgault, University of Vermont; Scott W. Bailey, USDA Forest Service (FS)
Evaluation of the EPIC Model to Predict Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes.
Candiss O. Williams, USDA-NRCS; Larry T. West, USDA-NRCS; Joseph V. Chiaretti, USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center; Deborah harms, USDA-NRCS-National Soil Survey Center
Multifractal Analysis Of Pore Systems Along a Topo Sequence Under Natural Forest.
Thalita Campos Oliveira, University of São Paulo - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture; Daniel Gimenez, Rutgers University; Miguel Cooper, University of São Paulo - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture