Intercropping Production Systems: Solar Corridor and Wide-Row Practices

Poster Session

ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Alternative cropping systems efficiently use solar radiation based on unique planting designs to enhance plant capture of sunlight, driving higher photosynthetic rates. Planting arrangements, based on inter-cropping methods and row spacing, integrate tall-statured crops (i.e., corn) for full exposure to sunlight with shorter inter-seeded crops grown for grain, forage or soil cover. Poster presentations will demonstrate potential of alternative systems for practical, efficient crop production, and specifically a) demonstrate basic agronomic principles of light interception, solar radiation use, and water use efficiency; and b) illustrate impacts on crop yields, inter-crop productivity, and soil quality.


Solar Corridor Crop System Community
Agronomic Production Systems
Monday, November 4, 2013: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Robert J. Kremer
Bill Evans and Charles LeRoy Deichman
Evaluation of Three Soil Measurements, Impacts of Four Seedbed Surfaces and Corressponding Impacts On Germination Rates and Plant Growth of a Specific Corn Variety.
Annette A. James, Prairie View A&M University; Richard W. Griffin, Prairie View A&M University; William A. Anthony, Prairie View A&M University; Audrey Bryant, Prairie View A&M University
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Intercropping Ratios, and Molasses On Silage Quality of Millet-Soybean Intercrops.
Emad Jahanzad, University of Massachusetts; Amir Sadeghpour, University of Massachusetts; S.M.B Hosseini, University of Tehran; Masoud Hashemi, University of Massachusetts; Omid Reza Zandvakili, University of Tehran; Allen V Barker, University of Massachusetts
Winter Wheat Intercropping and Double-Cropping Systems.
Leah Sandler, University of Missouri-Columbia