Soil Structure and Biophysicochemical Functions At Different Scales: II

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Soil Physics

Effects of soil structure on biophysicochemical processes and functions are present at various natural scales, ranging from single pores and aggregates to soil pedons, fields, hillslopes, and watersheds. As outlined in the SSSA 75th Anniversary Paper “Kirkham’s Legacy and Contemporary Challenges in Soil Physics Research” there is a big knowledge gap regarding selection and measurement of relevant physical, chemical, and microbiological soil properties to characterize soil structure and to parameterize models relating structure to biophysicochemical soil functions. The broader vision of the proposed session is to stimulate cross-disciplinary research to advance understanding of factors contributing to soil quality and the ability to sustain vital soil functions across scales. We invite contributions that include but are not limited to the following topics: (1) novel methods to characterize soil structure and soil void space; (2) biophysicochemical aspects of soil structure formation and self-organization in soils; (3) resistance and resilience of soil structure to mechanical stresses; (4) spatial variation of soil structure and functions at the field scale; and (5) ecosystem services and natural capital of soils.


Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Pedology
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Lis W. de Jonge , Ole Wendroth , Andreas Schwen and Markus Tuller
Lis W. de Jonge
Soil Crusting Under Intense Rainfall As Influenced By Cohesive and Wetting Factors.
Mark Nakka Wuddivira, University of the West Indies; Edwin Ikenna Ekwue, University of the West Indies; Reynold Joe Stone, University of the West Indies
A Multi-Tracer Field Leaching Experiment Reveals Macropore Structures and Its Influence On Solute Leaching Under Two Contrasting Land Uses.
Andreas Schwen, University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences (BOKU); Jason Backus, University of Kentucky; Riley J Walton, University of Kentucky; Ole Wendroth, University of Kentucky
Links Between Matrix Bulk Density, Macropore Characteristics and Hydraulic Behavior of Soils.
Sheela Katuwal, Aarhus University; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Mathieu Lamande, Aarhus University; Markus Tuller, The University of Arizona; Lis W. de Jonge, Aarhus University
Soil Structure and Its Constituents Affect Soil Bacterial Diversity: A Biophysical Perspective to Understand Soil Inner Space.
H. M. L. I. Herath, Aarhus University; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Mogens Nicolaisen, Aarhus University; Trine Norgaard, Aarhus University; Muhammad Naveed, Aarhus University; Lis W. de Jonge, Aarhus University
Predicting Soil Physical Parameters and Copper Transport in a Polluted Field From X Ray CT-Images.
Marcos Paradelo, Aarhus University; Muhammad Naveed, Aarhus University; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Martin Holmstrup, Aarhus University; Jose López-Periago, Vigo University; Lis W. de Jonge, Aarhus University
Encapsulation of Organic Carbon in Fine Scale Pores Under Different Agricultural Practices.
Jie Zhuang, The University of Tennessee; Jan Ilavsky, Argonne National Laboratory; Xudong Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xinyu Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences; John McCarthy, The University of Tennessee
Gas Diffusion, Non-Darcy Air Permeability and CT-Scans for a Traffic-Affected Clay Subsoil.
Mathieu Lamandé, Aarhus University; Per Schjonning, Aarhus University; Feto Berisso, Aarhus University; Asko Simojoki, University of Helsinki; Laura Alakukku, University of Helsinki; Rune R. Andreasen, Aarhus University
Implications of Radial Distribution of Organic Matter in the Rhizosphere to Root Water Uptake.
Ammar Ali Albalasmeh, University of California-Merced; Teamrat Ghezzehei, University of California Merced
Structure Regeneration in 2mm Sieved Soils of Varying Clay Mineralogy.
Emmanuel Arthur, Aarhus University; Per Schjønning, Aarhus University; Deepagoda Thuduwe Kankanamge Kelum Chamindu, Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Lis W. de Jonge, Aarhus University
Copper Distribution Profiles in Soils From a Long-Term Polluted Field.
Marcos Paradelo, Aarhus University; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Maria Knadel, Aarhus University, Faculty of Science and Technology; Martin Holmstrup, Aarhus University; Jose López-Periago, Vigo University; Lis W. de Jonge, Aarhus University
Does X-Ray Computed Tomography Affect Soil Respiration and Microbial Activity?.
Wakene Negassa, Michigan State University; Andrey Guber, Michigan State University; Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan State University; Britton Hildebrandt, Michigan State University; Terence Marsh, Michigan State University; Mark Rivers, The University of Chicago
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Thermal Properties in Tilled Layers.
Yili Lu, China Agricultural University; Meng Zhang, China Agricultural University; Tusheng Ren, China Agricultural University; Robert Horton, Iowa State University
Influence Of Cover Crops On Soil and Water Properties In a Southeast Alabama Soil.
Kelsey L. Hoegenauer, Auburn University; Julie A. Howe, Auburn University; Donn Rodekohr, Auburn University
Enhancing Vertical Infiltration By Artificial Macropores for Increasing Biomass in Degraded Soils.
Yasushi Mori, Okayama University; Atsushi Suetsugu, Okayama University; Tetsuya Yamamoto, Shimane University
Pore Structure Analysis By Micro Focus X-Ray CT for Sands With Different Size Fractions and Particle Shape, and Mass Transport Parameters.
Shoichiro Hamamoto, Saitama University; Takuya Koike, Saitama University; Ken Kawamoto, Saitama University; Toshiko Komatsu, Saitama University; Per Moldrup, Aalborg University; Toshihiro Sakaki, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
The Effect of Scale On Measurements of Soil Hydrophobicity: What Are We Really Measuring?.
Maria Ines Dragila, Oregon State University; Priscilla Beth Woolverton, Oregon State University; James Cassidy, Oregon State University; Markus Kleber, Oregon State University Experiment Station
Relationships Between Quantitative Descriptions of Soil Structure and Basic Soil Properties.
Timothy Carl Bents, University of Kansas; Daniel R. Hirmas, University of Kansas
Multivariate Analysis Techniques In Biometric Variability Characterization Of Camu-Camu Fruit On Indigenous Populations.
Ricardo Manuel Bardales Lozano, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; Edvan Alves Chagas, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; Roberto Tadashi Sakazaki, Universidade Federal de Roraima; Beatriz Sayuri Campaner Sakazaki, Centro Universitário do Triângulo- UNITRI; Guilherme Locatelli, Universidade Federal de Roraima-UFRR; Luis Felipe Paes de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Roraima-UFRR
Soil Carbon Sequestration Due to Crop Sequences Under No-Tillage in Tropical Region.
Jose E. Cora, Sao Paulo State University; Getulio Seben Junior, Sao Paulo State University; Rattan Lal, Ohio State University
Visualizing Of Clogging Of SOIL Pores Formation Of Hardpans In Tropical Degraded SOILS. (Cancelled)
Surface Crust Development and Associated Flow Properties On An Arid, Alluvial Soil Following Disturbance. (Cancelled)