Advancing Measurement Technology in Soil and Environmental Physics: An Original Research Instrumentation Showcase (includes student competition)

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Soil Physics

New and novel measurements are essential to expand our understanding of soil and plant processes. With rapidly changing technology, new possibilities are constantly emerging to advance our science in directions we have only dreamed of. This session will provide a forum to demonstrate innovative new prototype instruments and share ideas for improvements and applications with other scientists. From micro to macro, simple to complex, we invite all to participate in this exciting opportunity to celebrate innovation in soil science.


Climatology & Modeling
Biophysical Measurements and Sensors Community, Sensor-Based Water Management Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Colin S. Campbell and Haly L. Neely
Colin S. Campbell
In Situ Shear Strength Data Logging and TDR.
G. Clarke Topp, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; David Lapen, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Mark Edwards, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Application of Time Domain Transmissiometry to Coupled Measurements of Soil Moisture and Electrical Conductivity.
Hideki Miyamoto, Saga University; Naoki Ito, Ube National College of Technology; Atsushi Mase, Kyushu University; Ieyasu Tokumoto, Texas A&M University; Hiroyuki Cho, Saga University; Jiro Chikushi, Kyushu University
Evaluation of a Root Zone TDR Sensor for Soil Water Content Measurement.
Xiuli Xin, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science; Tyson E. Ochsner, Oklahoma State University; Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS Conservation & Production Research Laboratory
Combining Impedance Spectroscopy and Neural Networks to Improve Dielectric Water Content Measurements.
Colin S. Campbell, Decagon Devices, Inc.; Paolo Castiglione, Decagon Devices, Inc.; Gaylon S. Campbell, Decagon Devices, Inc.; Jolene Lafferty, Decagon Devices; Douglas R. Cobos, Decagon Devices, Inc.
The Opportunities Elastic Waves Offer to Soil Science.
William R. Whalley, Rothamsted; Dick Jenkins, Delta-T Devices; Ho-Chul Shin, Open University; Chris W Watts, Rothamsted; Shahram Taherzadeh, Oepn University; Weida Gao, China Agricultural University; Tusheng Ren, China Agricultural University; Keith Attenborough, Open Univeristy
Development Of a Simple Device To Measure The Vertical Distribution Of Radio Cesium In Soil.
Shinya Suzuki, The University of Tokyo; Hiroshi Iwase, HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK; Kosuke Noborio, Meiji University; Masaru Mizoguchi, The University of Tokyo; Daiki Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo; Tetsu Ito, X-ability Inc.
Developing An Automated Dual-Head Infiltrometer for Measuring Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Kfs).
Kahlin Wacker, Decagon Devices, Inc.; Gaylon S. Campbell, Decagon Devices, Inc.; Leonardo Daniel Rivera, Decagon Devices, Inc.
Coupling Soil Water Probes in the Root Zones to Identify Enhanced Plant Water Availability.
Alvin J.M. Smucker, Michigan State University; Andrey Guber, Michigan State University; Rachel Cohen, MIchigan State University; Samrawi Berhanu, MIchigan State University
A Unified Experimental Approach for Estimation of Root Zone Leaching of Applied Irrigation Water and Fertilizers.
Maziar Kandelous, University of California Davis; Blake Sanden, Cooperative Extension Kern County; Jan W. Hopmans, University of California-Davis
Excursions Into Stomatal Conductance Measurements With the Null Balance Technique.
Douglas R. Cobos, Washington State University; Brody Teare, Decagon Devices; Gaylon S. Campbell, Decagon Devices, Inc.
Green Canopy Analyzer Tool Using Matlab.
Andres Patrignani, Oklahoma State University; Tyson E. Ochsner, Oklahoma State University; Jordan Beehler, Oklahoma State University
Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling for Improved Water/Risk Management.
Martin Goodchild, Delta-T Devices; Karl Kühn, Delta-T Devices; Dick Jenkins, Delta-T Devices
Resolving Heat Pulse Measurement Anomalies.
Kashifa Rumana, Utah State University; Scott B. Jones, Utah State University; Markus Tuller, The University of Arizona
The Method For Analysis Soil Surface Roughness In The Pint-Sized Soil Bin. (Cancelled)