Polyculture and Perennial Grains For Sustainable Agriculture

Poster Session

ASA Section: Global Agronomy

The poster session will be offered to highlight how mixed cropping systems with perennials and perennial grains can improve sustainable agriculture, and provide eco-systems. An example of this would be diverse crop rotations of forages and field crops or perennial grains. Research and outreach will be featured that includes perennial systems used to improve the soil quality and mitigate environmental risks. Research and extension programs from around the world will be featured. The objective of the poster session will be to present recent findings about growth, production and multiple uses of perennial grains. Their environmental and economic benefits will be discussed with a global context and case examples. The session will present research findings on perennial wheat and other perennials of how they are used to promote soil health and conservation of natural resources, aka Sustainable Agriculture.


Global Agronomy
Perennial Grain Development Community
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Vicki L. Morrone
Sieglinde S. Snapp
Vicki L. Morrone
Weighing the Value of Perennial Grains As Cover Crops.
Vicki L. Morrone, Michigan State University; Sieglinde S. Snapp, Michigan State University; Steven W. Culman, University California-Davis; Sienna Tinsley, Michigan State University
Polyculture and Food Security in a Variable Climate: A Case Study From Northern Malawi.
Alex Adam Smith, Michigan State University; Mary Ollenburger, Wageningen University; Sieglinde S. Snapp, Michigan State University; Rachel Bezner Kerr, Cornell University; Wezi Mhango, Bunda College of Agriculture; Lizzie Shumba, Soils Food and Healthy Communities; Tinkani Gondwe, Soils Food and Healthy Communities; George Kanyama-Phiri, Bunda College of Agriculture
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Maize/Teosinte Hybrids After 25-Year and 50-Year Selection Experiments for Perenniality.
Caroline Coatney, University of Georgia; Donald L Shaver, Western Maize Genetics; R Kelly Dawe, University of Georgia