How to Manage Nitrogen Fertilizers On Bread Wheat Crop in Adverses Climatic Conditions.

Poster Number 2103

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Simon P. Guertin, Government of Quebec, Mont St-Hilaire, QC, Canada
A three years study was conducted on bread wheat crop, at the Experimental Station in St- Hyacinthe (Quebec, Canada), on a clay loam soil.  This study was needed to precise the way to manage nitrogen fertilizers on bread wheat crop as well as to determine the nitrogen sources, and, to localize the nitrogen fertilizer band so as to insure yield and quality wheat grains regardless of the climatics conditions during the growing season.

We had seven nitrogen combinations treatments and four localized nitrogen fertilizer band depths under the seed row. The treatments were distributed according to a split plot design with nitrogen sources as main plot and the localized nitrogen band depth as sub plot.  The treatments were repeated three times. The results showed that splitting nitrogen 50%-50% between seeding time and starting tiller stage gives better wheat grain yield than nitrogen 100% applied at the seeding time. The nitrogen fertilizer source that gives good result is 50% ammonium nitrate – 50% urea. The localized nitrogen fertilizer band at 9 cm depth does maintain the wheat grain yield as well as the bread wheat quality grain content regardless of the amount of rain during the growing season.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
See more from this Session: Nitrogen Soil Fertility and Management

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