Content and Signature of Rare Earth Elements in Phosphate Fertilizers Marketed in Brazil.

Poster Number 2326

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Guilherme Soares Dinali1, Sílvio J Ramos2, Cristiano Gonçalves Moreira1, Geila Santos Carvalho1, José O Siqueira2 and Luiz-Roberto R G Guilherme1, (1)Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil
(2)Vale Institute of Technology, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
The rare earth elements (REE's) are a group of 17 chemical elements that have unique characteristics and are frequently associated with phosphate minerals, resulting in their presence in most of single or formulated phosphate fertilizers. This study aimed to: i) quantify the contents of REE's in Araxá rock phosphate and phosphate fertilizers marketed in Brazil; and, ii) evaluate formulated NPK fertilizers, in order to discover, through standardization with standards chondrites Post-Archean Average Australian Sedimentary rock (PAAS) and North American Shale Composite (NASC), the source of phosphates used for their production. For identification and quantification of RRE's we used alkaline fusion of samples followed by later determination with ICP-MS. Subsequently, the data were normalized using the standards PAAS and NASC. The contents of RRE's in formulated phosphate fertilizers are dependent on their content of P2O5 and the phosphate rock (or concentrate) used in their production. Furthermore, we found that the processing of phosphate rock can contribute to lower levels of REE's, since the smallest value for the sum of ETR's was observed for the MAP, while the highest value was observed in the phosphate rock. The two chondrites used for RRE´s normalization showed no difference, and 00:18:18 and 05:36:00 fertilizer has shown the same REE's signature as Araxá rock phosphate. Sponsored by FAPEMIG, CNPq and Vale.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
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