Advanced Study In The Distribution Of Vertisols and Vertic Soils In China.

Poster Number Remote

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Mingda Chen, Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, Shanmei Wu, Natural Resources and Envirement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Berkeley, CA, Tiao Shen, Soils and Fertizers Technology Extension of Henan province, Zhenzhou, China and Zhongpei Li, Institution of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China
The distribution of Vertisols and Vertic Soils in China was first studied by Ruicai Huang and Shanmei Wu in 1981.  Then, others also became interested in their distribution.  Because the previous studies focused on the middle and south China, only Aquerts, Uderts and Usterts were identified and established.  Further studies since 2005 indicates  that 3 other suborders, Cryerts, Torrerts and Xererts, have been identified. An abstract “Advance in the study of suborders in China” was accepted by the WSSA Meeting in Aug. 2013.  Also, some Uderts, Usterts and Aquerts are also distributed in unstudied area in China.

Cryerts are distributed beyond 46.5o of N. latitude of Songnen River basin. They formed from clayish deposits of shallow lakes in Qp2+3and clayish soft rocks (K). They are surrounding with volcanoes. 

Torrerts are identified in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region which  climate belongs to semi-desert and desert.  Semi-soft rocks (J, K) and unconsolidated red clayish deposits (N) appear on the land surface surrounding the edge of basins   According to X-ray diffraction tests, the smectite content is up to 95% averagely in reddish- clayey profile and the semi-soft rocks (J, K) are the second rich in smectite.  The Torrerts distribute on old plains receiving their sediments (Qp3).  

Xerertsare distributed in Yili Basin in Xinjiang where belongs to Mediterranean climatic type with unconsolidated reddish- clayey deposits around the Basin. The Xererts are derived from the secondary deposits of the reddish materials by rivers.

Some newly findings on distributions in addition to previous studies are:  

Uderts in basins in Jiangxi, in Hubei, in Sichuan provinces and on the basalt tableland in Zhejiang province,

Ustertsin south-western Sichuan province where the very long tern influence of volcanic activity (P) appears, also on Loess Plateau including the western Henan province.  

 Aqertsaround the  lake and in lowlands on Yunnan Plateau…

A new map of the distribution of Vertisols and Vertic soils in China is compiled.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Pedology
See more from this Session: General Pedology: II

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