Potassium Dynamics in Coastal Plain Soils.

Poster Number 2319

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Charles C. Mitchell, Auburn University, Auburn University, AL
Potassium deficiency of crops on southern U.S. Coastal Plain soils has been known since the l880s.  Long-term soil fertility studies have been conducted with K since 1911 on several Coastal Plain and related Hapludults, Paleudults, and Kandiudults in Alabama.  Data from these experiments allow us to answer questions such as (1) How much K can accumulate in Coastal Plain soils under cropping and fertilization? (2) Is subsoil testing necessary to obtain an accurate soil test calibration for K? (3) How much K does a crop remove from the subsoil? (4) How long does it take to deplete soil test K? (5) Does soil test K vary during the year?
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
See more from this Session: Phosphorus and Potassium Soil Fertility and Management

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