Critical Thinking and Learning in Soil Science Through Virtual Lab Activities.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 2:00 PM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Florida Salon I-III, Second Level

Tyler Weldon1, Leslie Cordie1 and Julie A. Howe2, (1)Auburn University, Auburn, AL
(2)Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Advances in technology have opened the door to numerous possibilities for technology-based learning activities that can be used individually or as components in face-to-face or distance education courses. However, incorporation of critical thinking and problem-solving skills into technology-based activities is not always straight-forward, particularly in soil science education.  A virtual laboratory activity was developed using an inquiry-based instructional approach that promotes students involvement in the learning process by guiding a student through the learning process.  Students are guided through the learning process by way of dialogs and inquiries with images, video, and computer simulations about soil cation exchange properties.  At the end students generate data as if they had performed an experiment that they can further analyze to reveal important concepts.  Some components of the lab were compartmentalized so that the lab could be restructured for both undergraduate and graduate education.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Education and Outreach
See more from this Session: Symposium--Teaching of Soils in the 21st Century

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