Developing a Simplified Guide To Soil Taxonomy.

Poster Number 1622

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

J. Cameron Loerch1, Michel D. Ransom2, John M. Galbraith3, David C. Weindorf4, H. Curtis Monger Jr.5, Joseph V. Chiaretti1, Craig Ditzler1 and Kenneth F. Scheffe1, (1)USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, NE
(2)Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
(3)Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
(4)Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
(5)New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Soil taxonomy is the official classification system for soils in the USA. This dynamic system has been amended and improved to accommodate newly described soils and their diagnostic properties from around the world into a common system. The U.S. National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) program consisting of national, state, university and private sector soil scientists have helped build the system. Soil taxonomy is a detailed system with a complex hierarchy that can be very intimidating to learn and difficult for beginning soil scientists, students and soil practitioners to use. An ad hoc NCSS advisory working group was formed to develop a simplified guide to using Soil Taxonomy. The simplified guide can be used to classify a soil to the great group level of soil taxonomy and will not require an advanced understanding of soil science, extensive field experience, or laboratory data in order to use and appreciate Soil Taxonomy. This collaborative effort targets the needs of beginning soil science and agricultural studies students, natural resource specialists with minimal soils experience, and other professionals who use NCSS products and reports. The guide consists of several sections paralleling the Keys to Soil Taxonomy. It is enhanced with the use of illustrations, horizon and profile photos, maps, and flow diagrams. The description of soil orders is expanded to explain central concepts of the taxa, includes maps of occurrence, explains class criteria in simplified terms, and includes a summary description for characteristics of the great groups. The section on diagnostic surface and subsurface horizons and features is enhanced in a similar manner. The guide conveys the classes and criteria of soil taxonomy through a more prosaic narrative and there is extensive use of hyperlinks for quick reference. The guide lends itself readily to web access and use on smartphones and tablets for use in the field.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Pedology
See more from this Session: General Pedology: II

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