Hosting An Invitational Career Development Event for Hoosier 4-H and FFA Chapters.
Poster Number 110
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, Registration Center, Second Floor
Jamie Hans, Agronomy, Purdue University Agronomy Club, West Lafayette, IN and Valerie Cross, Agronomy, Purdue Agronomy Club, West Lafayette, IN
There is more that goes into a Soils Invitational Judging Contest than just digging in the dirt and judging the holes. The preparation for the contest takes the whole Club's collaboration and can require more work than the actual contest itself. To make the contest run smoothly, things to consider are: inviting schools to compete, contest site selection, registrastion, set-up, pit placement, and score card grading to name just a few. The hopeful end-result of hosting a soils invitational contest is that the students that compete are able to expand their knowledge about soils, compete in the state and national contests and maybe earn themselves a small scholarship.