Soil Organic Carbon Stocks and Composition Under Grazed and Ungrazed Kobresia Pygmaea Pasture of the Tibetan Plateau.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 1:30 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 11, First Floor

Sandra Spielvogel1, Joanna Weiss2, Christian Breuer3, Benjamin Peters1 and Georg Guggenberger2, (1)Institute for Natural Science, University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany
(2)Institute for soil science, Leibniz University Hanover, Hanover, Germany
(3)Institute for Natural Science, University Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany
Kobresia pastures represent the world’s largest alpine ecosystem and an important sink but also a potential source of CO2. Specific features of Kobresia root mats provide unique mechanisms protecting against degradation even by moderate overgrazing and leading to large carbon storage in soil.  Thus it is necessary to analyse how management- and/or climate-induced changes in above and belowground litter production affect the OC stock and composition in these grassland soils.

We analyzed soils from a grazing exclosure experiment to study alterations using elemental analysis and analysis of solvent extractable as well as hydrolysable aliphatic lipids (e.g. n-alkanes, n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, as well as cutin- and suberin-derived hydroxy-fatty acids). We investigated bulk soils and density fractions taken from three different depth increments (0-5 cm, 5-15 cm and 15-35 cm) from two grazed and two ungrazed plots.

Grazing exclosure resulted in an OC gain up to 1.0 kg m-2 at the site where plant community changes after grazing cessation were most pronounced. These OC gains were caused by increased stocks of OC in the particulate fraction of the two deeper soil increments whereas the OC of the mineral associated fraction and the depth increment 0-5 cm showed no changes. Moreover, the concentration of solvent extractable C16 and C18 acids decreased in the particulate fraction whereas the concentration of C24 and C26 acids increased.

Our results show that seven years of grazing cessation increased the OC-pool with short turnover rates and changed its chemical composition, but had no major impact on the more stable OC pools of the mineral soil.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Chemistry
See more from this Session: Soil-Plant Interactions: Small-Scale Processes and Large-Scale Implications: I

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