Emerging Roles and Applications for Soil Scientists in a Sustainable World.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 1:00 PM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Florida Salon I-III, Second Level

Theodore A. Hartsig, Olsson Associates, Overland Park, KS
Even with advances in academic emphasis for natural resource management in soil science and agronomic education, there is little recognition but an ever increasing need for the application and contributions of soil scientists in modern society.  The roles of soil scientists and agronomists remain largely associated with crop production.  As a result, other disciplines, including engineering, geology, landscape architecture, and even planners are assuming the roles that demand the knowledge base and experience of soil science and agronomy.  This presentation presents the soil science knowledge base and the developing areas in which soil scientists not only will find opportunity for application (and employment), but an increasing obligation and opportunities to contribute to a sustainable world.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Education and Outreach
See more from this Session: Symposium--Teaching of Soils in the 21st Century

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