High-Throughput Procedures for Analyzing Inorganic and Organic Arsenic in Rice Tissues.

Poster Number 623

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Lee Tarpley, Texas A&M Agrilife Research-Beaumont, Beaumont, TX
Methods for high-throughput, inexpensive quantitation of inorganic arsenic in rice tissues are needed. An industry-wide collaborative effort with an accelerated basis to address the arsenic in rice issue will create a very high demand for arsenic (As)-analysis resources, especially in support of production practice- and breeding/variety development-research, and potentially for industry to respond to government data requests. Gold-plate methods for analysis of As species should be instrumentation-based, however alternative analysis methods exist and can be used to support sample-analysis needs of the collaborative research effort, and, potentially, for preliminary screening of industry-generated samples. Specifically, biochemical-based methods can provide high sensitivity, high specificity, and high throughput in analysis of inorganic and organic arsenic (As).
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