Friday, 14 July 2006: 8:00 AM
Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor
84: 1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management - Oral
Presiding:K. Ramesh Reddy, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept.
Convenor:Michael Vepraskas, Dept. of Soil Science, PO Box 7619
8:00 AMInteractions of Soils and Hydrology in Wetland Management.
Richard Lowrance, USDA-ARS, George Vellidis, University of Georgia, Randy Williams, USDA-ARS
8:35 AMUnderstanding Soil Processes: The Next Frontier of Wetland Restoration.
Curtis Richardson, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, Ariana Sutton-Grier, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, Greg Bruland, University of Florida Soil Science Department
9:10 AMCoupled Biogeochemical Cycles in Wetlands.
K. Ramesh Reddy, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept., Patrick W Inglett, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept.

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