Saturday, 15 July 2006

Effect of Long Term Fertilization and Rotation on Soil Organic Carbon of Burozem.

Han Xiaori, Yin Hongbin, Xie Fang, Yang Jinfeng, and Cao Hongjie. Land and Environment College, Shenyang Agriculture Univ, Dongling Rd 120, Shenyang, 110161, China

The soil is the same as Hap Udic Luvisols in USA)were investigated. The results of 26 years showed that under rotation of maize and soybean long term application of manure and fertilizers had significant effect (P<0.05) on soil organic carbon concentration and storage of plowed layer. Compared with the soil of the experiment started, applying organic manure can increase soil organic carbon concentration and organic carbon storage significantly. When applying the mixture og inorganic fertilizers and organic mature, the improvement effect was much better than applying single inorganic fertilizers. Applying single inorganic fertilizers can enhance the soil organic carbon concentration and storage, but the extent of increasing was not large. Over the 26 years of fertilization, the soil organic carbon of different soil layers had increased to a certain extent. And with the depth of soil, there was a significant decline in soil organic carbon, but the difference between treatments was not significant. Keywords: soil organic carbon concentration; soil organic carbon storage; long term experiment; fertilizers and manure;rotation of maize and soybean.

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