Friday, 14 July 2006 - 8:00 AM

Science for Health and Well Being.

Dov Jaron, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

A large number of member Unions of the International Council of Science (ICSU) , including the Union of Soil Sciences, have launched an initiative on ‘Science for Health and Well-Being' (SHWB). The initiative has the long-range goal to facilitate and support interdisciplinary science aimed at finding solutions to medical and to societal problems as they relate to health and well-being. The objectives of the initiative are to: •Demonstrate the extent to which interdisciplinary and integrative sciences and technologies can enhance health and well-being; •Identify unmet needs and promote science and technology programs to meet those needs; •Create a new level of interdisciplinary knowledge between the basic and health sciences and establish strong links between the science and medical communities; •Educate and empower health professionals, the public, and policy makers about the importance of interdisciplinary sciences and technologies in finding solutions to health and well-being. The specific aims include: •Developing the initiative so it becomes an established ICSU program; •Securing the support of various major organizations such as the UN and WHO and including them as partners in the program; •Initiating a network of experts from different disciplines and holding workshops addressing specific health and well-being issues involving novel inter-union collaboration; •Identifying and supporting specific multidisciplinary and inter-Union projects under the SWHB program and assisting them in obtaining funding. I will discuss the evolution of the program, ICSU's support for its implememntation, and specific examples for inter-Union projects that are being in the planning stage.

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