Saturday, 15 July 2006

Evaluating Soil Survey Data for Optimum Producing of Watermelon and Cucumber.

Sug Jae Jung, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Suwon, 441-707, South Korea

Soil survey data have often been blocked for producers because of difficult to understand. The objective of this research was to provide easy interpretation to the producers based on the development of practical technology to find optimum producing sites of watermelon and cucumber. For this research, we surveyed climate, soil and yield properties from watermelon and cucumber producers. Research sites were obtained several places in Korea which were major producing areas for each crop. We found that optimum temperature range was 22°C to 30°C from producing watermelon and cucumber. We estimated yield index based on soil characteristics including soil texture, drainage class, available soil depth, gravel content, slope, and landscape property. Contribution rates were estimated from correlation of yield and yield index. Optimum ranges were estimated for watermelon and cucumber producing based on climate, soil morphological and physical characteristics. In conclusion, These practical information may help to watermelon and cucumber producers, who are looking for optimum sites for better producing, with providing optimum ranges of climate and soil characteristics.

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