257-15 Influence of the Nitrification Inhibitor Dmpsa on Wheat Yield, Grain Quality and Soil Greenhouse Gases Emissions Under Humid Mediterranean Conditions.
Poster Number 342
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental QualitySee more from this Session: Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: III (includes student competition)
We present a wheat field-experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of the new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazol succinate (DMPSA) on grain yield, grain quality and GHG emissions. Fertilizer rate with and without DMPSA was 180 kg N ha-1 applied as ammonium sulfate (AS) to wheat splitted in two (60+120 kg N ha-1) amendments. Treatments with a non-splitted single application of AS with DMPSA (180 kg N ha-1) and an unfertilized treatment (0 kg N ha-1) were also included. Under our edaphoclimatic conditons, the application of DMPSA in a standard twice-splited fertilization management maintained yield and its components, and also grain quality to the levels of the control without inhibitor, reducing N2O emissions up to the unfertilized levels. A single application of DMPSA also reduced N2O emissions but decreased grain yield and quality.
Acknowledgements: This project was funded by the Spanish Government (RTA2013-00057-CO5-02 and AGL2012-37815-C05-02), by the Basque Government (IT-526-10) and by EuroChem Agro Iberia S.L.-UPV/EHU 2013.0001. Ximena Hu�rfano held a grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government.
See more from this Session: Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: III (includes student competition)