257-15 Influence of the Nitrification Inhibitor Dmpsa on Wheat Yield, Grain Quality and Soil Greenhouse Gases Emissions Under Humid Mediterranean Conditions.

Poster Number 342

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: III (includes student competition)
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall ABC
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Ximena Huerfano Salinas, Sergio Menendez Villanueva, Carmen Gonz�lez-Murua, M� Bego�a Gonz�lez-Moro, Jos� M� Estavillo and Teresa Fuertes-Mendiz�bal, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
Wheat is among the three most cultivated cereals in the world, and in Spain the highest yield of wheat crop is given under humid Mediterranean conditions. In order to enhance crop yield, the management is based on the addition of nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Nevertheless, its application can increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, being a strong greenhouse gas (GHG).  Regarding GHG, soil processes can also produce or consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). In order to decrease N losses induced by fertilization and increase nitrogen use efficiency, nitrification inhibitors (NI) have been developed. The fact that the application of a NI enhances N use efficiency would allow an increase in the grain N concentration of wheat plants leading to an increase in grain quality due to a higher accumulation of reserve proteins, gliadins and glutenins.

We present a wheat field-experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of the new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazol succinate (DMPSA) on grain yield, grain quality and GHG emissions. Fertilizer rate with and without DMPSA was 180 kg N ha-1 applied as ammonium sulfate (AS) to wheat splitted in two (60+120 kg N ha-1) amendments. Treatments with a non-splitted single application of AS with DMPSA (180 kg N ha-1) and an unfertilized treatment (0 kg N ha-1) were also included. Under our edaphoclimatic conditons, the application of DMPSA in a standard twice-splited fertilization management maintained yield and its components, and also grain quality to the levels of the control without inhibitor, reducing N2O emissions up to the unfertilized levels. A single application of DMPSA also reduced N2O emissions but decreased grain yield and quality.

Acknowledgements: This project was funded by the Spanish Government (RTA2013-00057-CO5-02 and AGL2012-37815-C05-02), by the Basque Government (IT-526-10) and by EuroChem Agro Iberia S.L.-UPV/EHU 2013.0001. Ximena Hu�rfano held a grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government.

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: III (includes student competition)