176 ACS 528 - Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Student Poster Competition

Poster Session
Special Sessions One of the main objectives of the Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Committee, previously known as Minorities in Agronomy Committee (ACS 528), which was established more than a decade ago, is to encourage involvement and participation by minority students and professionals in the Tri-Societies� programs and activities. To meet the committee's objectives, all students that identify themselves as ethnically diverse are encouraged to participate in annual meetings of the Tri-Societies through poster abstract submissions for general sessions across divisions in the Tri-Societies and in the Minority Student Poster Competition. Minority student participation in this competition requires successful submission of poster abstracts to respective division(s) of the Tri-Societies; and a copy of the submitted abstract, name of authors and division to be emailed to the Diversity Committee chair or designate for inclusion in the minority student poster competition upon submission. The Minority Student Poster Competition is one of the important activities of the Diversity Committee (ACS 528) during the Annual meetings of the Tri-Societies. For the 2012 annual meetings at Cincinnati (OH), completed posters must be received by the Diversity Committee not later than September 18, 2012. Evaluation and selection of the winners will be done prior to the Diversity Committee Annual Meeting. The awards ceremony for the participants and top three winners in the poster competition will be done during the Diversity Committee Annual Meeting on October 22, 2012. Three winners will be awarded cash prizes of $300 (1st prize), $250 (2nd prize) and $200 (3rd prize). All participants will receive Certificates of Appreciation.


Z Series Special Sessions
Tuesday, October 23, 2012: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Outside Room 237-238, Level 2

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Harjit S. Rekhi , Felicia Armstrong and Rufina Ward
Poster #001
Land-Preparation Techniques and Weed-Competition Control Strategies for Successful Establishment of Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.
Miguel Castillo, University of Florida; Lynn E. Sollenberger, University of Florida; Jason Ferrell, University of Florida; Ann Blount, University of Florida, IFAS; Andre D. Aguiar, University of Florida; Chaein Na, University of Florida; Mimi J. Williams, USDA-NRCS; Cheryl L. Mackowiak, North Florida Research and Educational Center, University of Florida
Poster Presentation
  • Miguel S Castillo - poster C06 section.pdf (2.1 MB)
  • Poster #003
    Reducing Bioaccessibility of Lead and Arsenic in a Contaminated Urban Garden Soil.
    Phillip Defoe, Kansas State University; Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas State Univwersity
    Poster #004
    Effect of Temperature On SOM Decomposition Modulated by Soil Moisture Content.
    Charles Rice, Kansas State University; Priscilla Mfombep, Kansas State University
    Poster #005
    Herbicide Influence On Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) Reproduction in Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Roots.
    Rodrigo Werle, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Loren Giesler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Mark Bernards, Western Illinois University; John Lindquist, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
    Poster #006
    Fractal Behavior of Soil Water Storage At Multiple Depths.
    Asim Biswas, University of Saskatchewan; Henry W. Chau, University of Saskatchewan; Hamish P. Cresswell, CSIRO Land and Water; Bing Cheng Si, University of Saskatchewan
    Poster #007
    Relationship Between Plant Biomass and Gas Flux At Busby Forest.
    Lakeitha Mitchell, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
    Poster #008
    Soybean Yield Response to Soil Properties.
    Jason Williams, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
    Poster #009
    Distribution of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in a Corn and Soybean Field.
    Samuel Haruna, Lincoln University; Nsalambi Nkongolo, Lincoln University of Missouri
    Poster #010
    Application of CERES-Sorghum : Sensitivity Analysis.
    Abhishes Lamsal, Kansas state university; Aavudai Anandhi Swamy, Kansas state university
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