228 Pedology Investigations in Support of Soil Survey: I

Oral Session
S05 Pedology

Near-completion of once-over mapping has resulted in an emphasis within the National Cooperative Soil Survey Program to better understand soil processes, to improve data quality and utility, and to improve soil-use interpretations. This session will focus on research being conducted in support of these goals.


Pedology, Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, Soil Mineralogy, Wetland Soils
Tuesday, November 2, 2010: 1:15 PM-3:20 PM
Long Beach Convention Center, Room 306, Seaside Level

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Thomas Reinsch
1:15 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:35 PM
Recognizing Biological Soil Crusts in Southern California - A Field Guide for Soil Surveys.
Nicole Pietrasiak, Dep. of Environmental Sciences, UCR; Robert Graham, University of California; Jeffrey R. Johansen, Biology Department, John Carroll University
1:50 PM
Digital Harmonisation of Adjacent Analogue Soil Survey Areas - 4 Iowa Counties.
Jonathan Hempel, USDA-NRCS; Alex McBratney, University of Sydney; Budiman Minasny, University of Sydney; sun wei, University of Sydney; Lee Burras, Iowa State University; James A. Thompson, West Virginia University; Brendan malone, University of Sydney
2:05 PM
Distribution and Origin of Argillic Horizons Across Iowa.
Mostafa Ibrahim, Iowa State University; Lee Burras, Iowa State University
2:35 PM
MLRA Reorganization of the U.S. NATIONAL Cooperative SOIL Survey PROGRAM.
Jonathan Hempel, USDA-NRCS; Micheal Golden, USDA-NRCS; Paul Benedict, USDA-NRCS; Craig Ditzler, USDA-NRCS; Maxine Levin, USDA-NRCS
2:20 PM
2:50 PM
Freshwater Subaqueous Soil Survey Investigations and Applications.
Jonathan Bakken, University of Rhode Island; Mark Stolt, University of Rhode Island
3:05 PM
The Use of EMI for Verification of Soil Variability.
Wayne Hudnall, Texas Tech University; Lance Layton, USDA-NRCS; James Rogers, Texas Tech University; Seth Sowder, USDAS-NRCS
3:20 PM
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