72-1 Response of Cool-Season Turfgrass Species to Reduced Irrigation Inputs.

See more from this Division: C05 Turfgrass Science
See more from this Session: Turf Soil and Water Management
Monday, November 1, 2010: 8:00 AM
Long Beach Convention Center, Room 102B, First Floor
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Gerald Henry, Travis Williams, Andrew Hephner and Tyler Cooper, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Research was conducted at the Quaker Research Farm at Texas Tech University during the summer of 2009 to evaluate the effect of reduced irrigation on the survival and aesthetic quality of several cool-season turfgrass blends/mixes. The trial was conducted on a Brownfield Sandy Clay Loam. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications of treatments. Treatments consisted of two irrigation regimes (2.5 and 5 cm/wk) and 8 turfgrass blends/mixes (tall fescue/Kentucky bluegrass mix, heat tolerant bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue). Plots (1.2 m2) were seeded on 11/17/2008 at labeled establishment rates. Irrigation treatments were initiated on July 5, 2009. Digital images were taken at time of treatment initiation and during the first week of the next three months. Images were analyzed to determine % turfgrass cover (TC) and % green leaf tissue (GLT). Data were subjected to analysis of variance, and where appropriate, evaluated for interactions. Means were separated using Fisher's Protected LSD at the 0.05 significance level. Fescue bluegrass mix (5 cm/wk) exhibited 80% TC and 47% GLT 3 months after initial treatment (MAIT). Fescue bluegrass mix (2.5 cm/wk) exhibited 67% TC and 41% GLT. Heat tolerant bluegrass (5 cm/wk) exhibited 74% TC and 41% GLT. Heat tolerant bluegrass (2.5 cm/wk) exhibited 69% TC and 42% GLT. Kentucky bluegrass (5 cm/wk) exhibited 80 to 81% TC and 48 to 49% GLT. Kentucky bluegrass (2.5 cm/wk) exhibited 63 to 69% TC and 38 to 46% GLT. Perennial ryegrass (5 cm/wk) exhibited 67 to 69% TC and 38 to 45% GLT. Perennial ryegrass (2.5 cm/wk) exhibited 60 to 64% TC and 40 to 42% GLT. Tall fescue (5 cm/wk) exhibited 79 to 87% TC and 46 to 50% GLT. Tall fescue (2.5 cm/wk) exhibited 68 to 71% TC and 41 to 42% GLT 3 MAIT.
See more from this Division: C05 Turfgrass Science
See more from this Session: Turf Soil and Water Management