109 Symposium--Soil Management in Organic Production Systems

Oral Session
S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
The purpose of this proposed symposium is to increase scientific knowledge in the design of organic production systems and to enhance interest in future research. Topics will be soil nutrition, soil microbial health, the relation of plant health to soil health, soil amendments, foliar treatments, and crop yield and quality. Another topic to be discussed is the design of organic systems experiments.

A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition

Monday, November 2, 2009: 9:55 AM-3:45 PM
Convention Center, Room 401, Fourth Floor

Joe Bradford
9:55 AM
Introductory Remarks
11:20 AM
Soil Foodweb in Organic Farming: Broad-Scale Landcare Examples in Texas.
Steve Diver, Sustainable Growth Texas; Betsy Ross, Sustainable Growth Texas
12:00 PM
12:55 PM
Intro to afternoon session
1:45 PM
Long-Term Organic Farming Impacts On Soil Fertility.
Jami Daniel, Colorado State Univ.; Jessica Davis, Colorado State Univ.; Lewis Grant, Grant Family Farms
3:45 PM