/AnMtgsAbsts2009.55963 Mehlich III Soil P Calibration to Corn Fertilizer P Response in Northeast Louisiana.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009: 11:15 AM
Convention Center, Room 319, Third Floor

Theophilus Udeigwe1, Ernest Clawson1, Henry Mascagni1, Brenda Tubana2 and Jim Wang3, (1)Northeast Research Station, Louisiana State Univ., AgCenter, Saint Joseph, LA
(2)School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State Univ., AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA
(3)School of Plant,Environmental&Soil Sciences, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA
The need for soil test P calibration to determine optimum fertilizer P rates is critical for maximizing yield and protecting the environment. The Mehlich III soil test is currently used for P fertilizer recommendations in Louisiana, but local calibrations of P fertilizer rates to crop responses at varying Mehlich III soil test P levels are currently limited in number. Relationships of corn yield, applied P rates, and preseason and postseason soil Mehlich III P test values were examined for Commerce silt loam in northeast Louisiana.