/AnMtgsAbsts2009.54202 Nitrogen Source, Timing, and Placement for Corn.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 2:30 PM
Convention Center, Room 319, Third Floor

Jeffrey Vetsch and Gyles Randall, Southern Research and Outreach Center, Univ. of Minnesota, Waseca, MN
The recent introduction of new nitrogen (N) fertilizer sources encourages farmers to re-evaluate N management decisions.  The objectives of this multi-year study were to determine the effect of various N sources, application timings, and placements on corn grain yield, N uptake, N use efficiency, and economic return.  The study was conducted on tile drained Nicollet-Webster clay loam soils (Aquic Hapludolls and Typic Endoquolls, respectively).  Treatments included four N sources (ESN, urea, Nitamine and anhydrous ammonia), two placements (band and broadcast-incorporated), two timings (fall vs. spring), and a control (zero N).  All N sources were applied at 112 kg N ha-1. Treatments were arranged as a partial factorial of a randomized complete block design with four reps.  Corn grain yield, N uptake, and N use efficiency were not different among urea and ESN sources.  Corn yields were greater in two of three years when fall applied ESN was banded versus broadcast-incorporated.  Spring application increased corn grain yields 0.3 Mg ha-1 compared with fall application, when averaged across ESN, urea, and Nitamine sources.  These data showed no economic advantage for controlled-release N sources compared with conventional sources.