/AnMtgsAbsts2009.53234 Geospatial Analysis Using SSURGO and LiDAR to Map, and Develop Chronosequences for, Morphostratigraphic Units in Southeastern Maryland, U.S.A.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Second Floor

Helaine Markewich1, Gary Buell1 and Susan Davis2, (1)U.S. Geological Survey, Atlanta, GA
(2)U.S. Dep. of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Prince Frederick, MD
Poster Presentation
  • markewichetal_sssa2009_poster_091023b.pdf (28.4 MB)
  • Abstract:

    Recent studies have identified extensive eolian deposits in southeastern Maryland where previously such deposits were considered of limited extent. Geospatial analysis using 2-m LiDAR and SSURGO map-unit data allows identification of these deposits and demonstrates the close association between soil series and complexes and these late-Pleistocene morphostratigraphic units. The most striking examples include the association of (a) the Galestown loamy sand (G) with river-bordering dunes on the east bank of the Potomac and Patuxent rivers (Fig. 1);  and (b) the Annapolis loamy sand and fine sandy loam (A) and the Donlonton fine sandy loam (D) with bay- and river-bordering dunes in the Annapolis area (Fig. 2). On-going field mapping and sampling for age analysis, combined with geospatial/geomorphic analysis, will allow for development of soil chronosequences and a regional pedo/geo chronostratigraphy.

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    Figure 1. (A) 2-meter LiDAR of  late Pleistocene eolian dunes and (B) SSURGO map units
    (Galestown, G) in the Piscataway Park area,  Charles County, Maryland.

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    Figure 2. (A) 2-meter LiDAR of  late Pleistocene eolian dunes and (B) SSURGO map units (Annapolis, A;
    Donlonton, D) in the Mayo area (south of Annapolis), Anne Arundel County, Maryland.