/AnMtgsAbsts2009.52466 Improved N Fertilizer Recommendations Via An Internet-Service for Site-Specific Simulations of N Uptake, Soil Water and N Dynamics.

Monday, November 2, 2009: 10:00 AM
Convention Center, Room 319, Third Floor

Sabine Heumann1, Horst Ringe1, Juergen Boettcher1, Arne M. Ratjen2, Henning Kage2, Nicole Engel3, Marianne Fritzensmeier4 and Gerhard Baumgärtel4, (1)Institute of Soil Science, Leibniz Univ. Hannover, Hannover, Germany
(2)Institute of Agronomy & Plant Breeding, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Kiel, Germany
(3)State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hannover, Germany
(4)Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany
In order to further improve N fertilizer efficiency while maintaining crop yields it is crucial to include estimates of current net N mineralisation and current N uptake into N fertilizer recommendations. High dependence of both processes from management and site characteristics as well as extreme year-to-year weather variations have been major obstacles for achieving reliable estimates. However, nowadays field-scale soil and weather input data are available on digital maps (e.g. scale 1:5000 for soil map of NW-Germany) and farmers generally keep field record systems. Thus it was intended to develop and parameterize a model based on these kinds of input data for online simulations via an internet service.

The model with the three main modules soil water, net N mineralization and N uptake was developed using several field trials with winter wheat in four consecutive years, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009, in typical areas of NW-Germany. The soil water module follows a simple storage approach with three layers, was parameterized using lysimeter sets and field measurements, and also generates estimates for N leaching. The net N mineralization module was developed using long-term laboratory incubations and field mineralization measurements. It calculates estimates for N release from soil organic matter as well as for immobilization of fertilizer N. Input data for this module are soil, management and weather data. The module for N uptake was parameterized using measurements of plant dry matter, N content, leaf area index (LAI) and N concentration and follows the light use efficiency approach.

Fertilizer recommendations are based on current soil mineral N in the upper 90 cm calculated with the combined model, which sufficiently matched measured values in the field trials and eight farmers’ fields (on an average close to the 1:1-line). In case calculated values fall below a certain threshold, prompt fertilization is recommended.