269 Terrestrial Impact Structures: Origin, Structure, and Evolution

Oral Session
Topical Sessions


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Tuesday, 7 October 2008: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
George R. Brown Convention Center, 342CF

Christian Koeberl and Jared R. Morrow
1:50 PM
Imaging and Drilling the Chicxulub Impact Crater: Testing Models for Crater Collapse
Sean P.S. Gulick, University of Texas, Austin; Penny Barton, University of Cambridge; Joanna Morgan, Imperial College London; Gail Christeson, Univ of Texas at Austin; Matthew McDonald, The University of Texas at Austin; Keren Mendoza, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico; Gareth Collins, Dept. Earth Science and Eng., Imperial College; Anusha Surendra, University of Cambridge; Jaime Urrutia, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico; Peggy Vermeesch, University of Texas, Austin
2:10 PM
The Chicxulub Impact Melt-Rock
Philippe Claeys, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
2:25 PM
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Chicxulub Crater Infill and Yucatàn Carbonate Platform Development: Implications for the Evolution of Large Terrestrial Impact Craters
Michael T. Whalen, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Zulmacristina F. Pearson, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Sean S.P. Gulick, University of Texas at Austin; Richard D. Norris, Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD
2:40 PM
Impactites and Basement-Derived Rocks in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville Cores, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, USA
J. Wright Horton Jr, U.S. Geological Survey; Michael J. Kunk, U.S. Geological Survey; Harvey E. Belkin, U.S. Geological Survey; John C. Jackson; I-Ming Chou, U.S. Geological Survey
2:55 PM
Asymmetric (Dipping) Layered Target Constrained Infilling of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure
David S. Powars, U.S. Geological Survey; Lucy E. Edwards, U.S. Geological Survey; Rufus D. Catchings, U.S. Geological Survey; Gregory S. Gohn, U.S. Geological Survey; J. Wright Horton Jr, U.S. Geological Survey
3:10 PM
Melt Particles from the Impact Breccia Section, Eyreville B Drill Core, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, USA
Katerina Bartosova, University of Vienna; Ludovic Ferrière, University of Vienna; Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna; Franz Brandstaetter, Natural History Museum
3:25 PM
3:40 PM
Petrology of Impact Melt Rocks from the Chesapeake Bay Crater
Axel Wittmann, USRA; David A. Kring, Lunar and Planetary Institute; Wolf U. Reimold, Humboldt University; Lutz Hecht, Humboldt University; Ralf T. Schmitt, Humboldt University; Vera A. Fernandes
3:55 PM
Post-Impact Heat Conduction and Compaction-Driven Fluid Flow in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Based on Downhole Vitrinite Reflectance
MaryAnn L. Malinconico, U.S. Geological Survey; Ward E. Sanford, United States Geological Survey; J. Wright Horton Jr, U.S. Geological Survey
4:10 PM
Impact to Immediate Post-Impact Effects of the Chesapeake Bay Event
Henning Dypvik, University of Oslo; James Wright Horton Jr, U.S. Geological Survey; David S. Powars, U.S. Geological Survey
4:30 PM
Post-Impact Evolution of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Eustasy, Passive-Aggressive Tectonism, and Impactite Compaction
Andrew A. Kulpecz, Rutgers University; Kenneth Miller, Rutgers University; James V. Browning, Rutgers University; Lucy Edwards, United States Geological Survey; David S. Powars, U.S. Geological Survey; Ashley Harris, Rutgers University; Mark D. Feigenson, Rutgers University
4:45 PM
Post-Impact Integrated Litho-, Sequence, Sr-Isotopic, and Bio- Stratigraphy of the Eyreville Corehole, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Inner Basin
James V. Browning, Rutgers University; Kenneth G. Miller, Rutgers University; Peter P. McLaughlin; Lucy E. Edwards, U.S. Geological Survey; David S. Powars, U.S. Geological Survey; Andrew A. Kulpecz, Rutgers University; Bridget S. Wade, Texas A&M Univ; Mark D. Feigenson, Rutgers University
5:00 PM
Impact Geology of the U.S. Gulf Coastal States
David T. King Jr, Auburn Univ; Lucille W. Petruny, Astra-Terra Research
5:15 PM
Universal Stage Determination of Crystallographic Orientations of Planar Deformation Features In Quartz: Quality, Precision, Repeatability, and Representativeness of Measurements
Ludovic Ferrière, University of Vienna; Jared R. Morrow, San Diego State University; Tsolmon Amgaa, University of Vienna; Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna
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