715-2 Fitting Models to Your Experimental Data When They Are Counts or Proportions. An Introduction to Generalized Linear Mixed Models.

See more from this Division: A11 Biometry (Provisional)
See more from this Session: Symposium --New Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Agricultural Experiments/Div. A11 (Provisional) Business Meeting

Wednesday, 8 October 2008: 1:45 PM
George R. Brown Convention Center, 371E

Mark West, Natural Resources Research Center, USDA-ARS-NPA, Fort Collins, CO
The general linear mixed model methodology has become commonplace in agricultural literature. However its application is appropriate when responses that are fitted to such a model can be considered to follow a normal distribution. Over the last decade computer software has become available that allows for a more general class of response variables to be fitted to a mixed model thus extending the mixed model methodology to what is now referred to as the generalized linear mixed model. This is a basic introduction on how to write and fit a model for statistical analysis of data gathered from an experiment in the context of a generalized linear mixed model when response data are counts and proportions. Various examples from agricultural experiments will be provided using both SAS and R software. The inter-relationship between experimental design and model will be emphasized.

See more from this Division: A11 Biometry (Provisional)
See more from this Session: Symposium --New Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Agricultural Experiments/Div. A11 (Provisional) Business Meeting