Sunday, 24 June 2007 - 3:15 PM

Pasture Weed and Brush Control Improves Forage Production.

Byron Sleugh, Pat Burch, Robert Masters, and Vernon Langston. Dow AgroSciences, 6887 Dakota Dr., West Des Moines, IA 50266

Weeds and brush are undesirable vegetation that can compete with our desirable forage species for valuable resources such as light, water, and nutrients.  Dense weeds and brush can shade out desirable grasses reducing forage production and pasture carrying capacity.  Thorny weeds and brush species like musk thistle, horsenettle, multiflora rose, locust, and blackberry can disrupt grazing patterns, and injure animals, landowners, and workers.  Research with Dow AgroSciences herbicides has validated herbicide product rates and seasons of application required to optimize control of common pasture weeds and brush species across the USA.  Strategies to control pasture weeds including curly dock, dandelion, horse nettle, musk thistle, Canada thistle, pigweeds, sericea lespedeza, buttercups, henbit and chickweed were developed  from studies conducted in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, Texas, and Oklahoma.  Where applicable, studies were carried out over a two year period so the value of long-term weed control and subsequent forage response could be determined.  The key research findings were that MilestoneTM and ForeFrontTM R&P herbicides provided excellent control of these common herbaceous pasture weeds.  Tank mixes with Remedy® Ultra and Pasturegard® herbicides provide brush activity for mixed sites requiring weed and brush control. Surmount®, Remedy Ultra, and Pasturegard® herbicides provided excellent control on a variety of brush species including multiflora rose, blackberry, and honey locust.  Controlling these herbaceous weed and brush species with the various herbicide products usually improve forage production and grazing accessibility.  An integrated approach to good forage management includes grazing, weed, and fertility management that encourages a long term viable resource for producers. 


1Product Technology Specialist, 2Product Technology Specialist, 3Product Technology Specialist, and 4Research Leader, respectively.  Dow AgroSciences, LLC,

9330 Zionsville Rd.
, Indianapolis, IN 46268

TM and ® : Registered Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC

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