Monday, November 13, 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
92: Graduate Student Competition
Sponsor:S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Effects of Topography and Contributions of C3- and C4-Sourced Carbon to the Rate of Soil Carbon Accumulation in Restored Tallgrass Prairie.
Sarah L. O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago, Julie D. Jastrow, Argonne National Laboratory, Miquel A. Gonzalez-Meler, University of Illinois at Chicago
Land use and land cover changes in temperate savannas: Impact of woody encroachment and prescribed burning on soil carbon pools and flux rates.
Emily B. Hollister, Dept. of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Thomas W. Boutton, Dept. of Rangeland Ecology & Management, R. James Ansley, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Fire Severity Effects on the Mineralization of Soil Organic Matter.
Jeff Hatten, College of Forest Resources, Darlene Zabowski, College of Forest Resources
Cropping System Management Effects on Soil N Mineralization Dynamics.
Ana B. Wingeyer, University of Nebraska, Daniel Walters, Univ.of NE-Dept. of Agron & Hort., Ken Cassman, University of Nebraska, Achim Dobermann, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Characterization of Phosphohydrolases Using Organophosphates.
Irenus Tazisong, Alabama A&M University, Zachary Senwo, Alabama A&M University, Robert Taylor, Alabama A&M University, Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS
Characterization of Glycosyl Hydrolases Using Multiple Organic Carbon Sources.
Priscilla Mfombep, Alabama A&M University, Zachary Senwo, Alabama A&M University, Omon Isikhuemhen, North Carolina A&T University, Robert Taylor, Alabama A&M University
Heavy Metal Induced Inhibition of Nitrate Reductases.
Fritz Ntoko, Alabama A&M University, Zachary Senwo, Alabama A&M University, Robert Taylor, Alabama A&M University, Elica Moss, Alabama A&M University
Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland Alters the Composition of Soil Microbial Communities.*
Elizabeth Brewer, Oregon State U/Crop & Soil Sciences, Terry J. Gentry, Texas A&M University, Thomas Boutton, TX A&M Univ.-Dep.Rnglnd Ecol., David Myrold, Oregon State University
Variation in Communities of Ammonia-Oxidizing and Denitrifying Bacteria in Fennoscandian Forest Soils.*
Rama Dhungel, Oregon State University, Mona N. H�gberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, David D. Myrold, Oregon State University
Heterotrophic and autotrophic contributions to the del-13C signature of soil respiration at high and low moisture levels.
Claire Phillips, Dept of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Zachary Kayler, Oregon State University, Barbara Bond, Dept of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Christian Andersen, Environmental Protection Agency, Western Ecology Division, Paul Rygiewicz, Environmental Protection Agency, Western Ecology Divison
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in an Eastern Cornbelt Soil: Weather, Nitrogen Source and Rotation.
Guillermo Hernandez Ramirez, Purdue University, Sylvie M. Brouder, Purdue University, Douglas R. Smith, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory USDA, George E. Van Scoyoc, Purdue University, Timothy R. Filley, Purdue University
Enrichment of Co2 and N Influence Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Soil Nematodes and Microarthropods in a Long-Term Global Change Experiment.*
Anita J. Antoninka, Northern Arizona University, Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota, Nancy C. Johnson, Northern Arizona University
Microbial Community Succession on Plant Litter, from the Phyllosphere to the Rhizosphere.
Jude Maul, Cornell University, Laurie Drinkwater, 124 Plant Science
A Quantitative Measure of Total Bacterial Community Diversity in Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Ecosystems.
Sougata Bardhan, The Ohio State University, Barry Jacocks, School of Natural Res.-OSU
Chromate Limits Carbon Source Utilization by Arthrobacter sp. FB24.
Weimin Chen, Purdue Univ, Megalena Kourteva, Purdue Univ, Allan Konopka, Purdue Univ, Cindy Nakatsu, Purdue Univ
The Impact of Fullerenes on the Soil Microbial Community Composition and Function.*
Zhonghua Tong, Purdue University, Marianne Bischoff, Purdue University, Loring Nies, Purdue University, Bruce Applegate, Purdue University, Ronald Turco, Purdue University
The Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) Is Dependent on Stand Age.
Zhanbei Liang, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lakhwinder Hundal, Illinois, State of, Donald Lee, Dept.of Agronomy & Horticulture, Un, Dave Wedin, University of Nebraska Lincoln
The Effect of Black Medic (Medicago lupilina , cv George) and Kura Clover (Trifolium ambiguum) Cover Crops on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization and Nutrient Uptake in Flax (Linum usitatissium).
Marie-Soleil Turmel, University of Manitoba, Dept. Plant Science, Martin Entz, University of Manitoba, Mario Tenuta, Univ of Manitoba, William May, Indianhead Agri Research, Guy Lafond, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Contributions of Bacteria and Fungi to Nitrogen Cycling in Forest Soils under Douglas fir and Red Alder.
Stephanie Boyle, Oregon State University, Peter Bottomley, OR St. Univ.-Dept. Microbiolgy, David Myrold, Oregon State University
Measurement of carbon dioxide concentrations at various soil depths comparing sensor and gas chromatography data.*
D.T. Lee, Univ. of Minnesota, Y. Zhang, Univ. of Minnesota, C. E. Clapp, USDA-ARS & Univ. of Minnesota, J.A.E Molina, Univ. of Minnesota, D. Chen, California Department of Water Resources, A.J. Palazzo, USA CRREL
Livestock Antibiotic Effects on Nitrogen Cycling by Soil Microorganisms.
Elisa D'Angelo, Univ. of Kentucky, Rob Sobolewski, Univ. of Kentucky

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* = Poster available online