Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 9:25 AM
Convention Center, Room 232, Second Floor
321: Symposium--Characterization and Reactivity of Natural and Synthetic Nanoparticles In Soils (includes Graduate Student Competition): I
Sponsor:S09 Soil Mineralogy
Cosponsor:S11 Soils & Environmental Quality
Presidings:Dean Hesterberg, North Carolina State University
Jon Chorover, The University of Arizona
9:25 AMIntroductory Remarks
9:30 AMThe Diversity of Synthetic Nanoparticles.
Kathleen Carrado, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory
10:00 AMThe Diversity of Natural Nanoparticles in Soils.
Joe Dixon, Texas A&M University
10:30 AMNatural Ultrathin Nanoplates of Supergene Gold.
Robert M. Hough, CSIRO, Rob D. Hart, Curtin University of Technology, Ryan Noble, CSIRO, David Vaughn, ., Steve M. Reddy, Curtin University of Technology, Greg Hitchen, CSIRO, Martin Saunders, University of Western Australia, Peta Clode, University of Western Australia, Ravi R. Anand, CSIRO
10:45 AMBreak
11:00 AMMultiscale View of Trace Metal Speciation in the Rhizosphere.
Alain Manceau, CNRS, Bruno Lanson, CNRS, Matthew Marcus, Advanced Light Source, Kathryn Nagy, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
11:30 AMIron Oxide Nanoparticles: Link between Physical and Structural Properties and Chemical Reactivity.
R. Lee Penn, University of Minnesota
12:00 PMLunch
1:30 PMCrystallization and Phase Transformation of Co-Precipitated Fe-Al Hydroxide Nanoparticles: Combined Infrared and XRD Studies.
Katya Bazilevskaya, The Pennsylvania State University, Douglas Archibald, The Pennsylvania State University, Carmen Enid Mart�nez, The Pennsylvania State University
1:45 PMStructural Transformation and Physicochemical Properties of Zeolite Nanoparticles.
T.M. Tsao, National Taiwan University, M.K. Wang, National Taiwan University, Pan Ming Huang, University of Saskatchewan
2:00 PMThe Effect of Carbon Nanomaterials and Other Black Carbon Materials on the Molecular-Motion and Bioavailability of Benzene.
Tu N. Pham, The University of Oklahoma, Samer AbuBakr, The University of Oklahoma, Kathleen E. Duncan, The University of Oklahoma, Margaret Eastman, Oklahoma State University, Mark Nanny, The University of Oklahoma
2:15 PMBreak
2:30 PMNanoparticle Impacts on Soil Microbiological Functions.
Ronald Turco, Purdue University-Agronomy Dept., Marianne Bischoff, Purdue University, Zhonghua Tong, Purdue University, Larry Nies, Purdue University, Bruce Applegate, Purdue University, Leila Nyberg, Purdue University
3:00 PMMetal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Interactions with Pseudomonas.
Patricia Holden, University of California-Santa Barbara, Allison Horst, University of California-Santa Barbara, Andrea Neal, University of California-Santa Barbara, John Priester, University of California-Santa Barbara
3:15 PMBioavailability, Toxicity and Trophic Transfer of Manufactured Nanoparticles.
Paul Bertsch, University of Georgia, T. Glenn, University of Georgia, N. Kabengi, University of Georgia, H. Ma, University of Georgia, P. Morris, Medical University of South Carolina, S. Murph, University of Georgia, A. Neal, University of Georgia, B. Neely, Medical University of South Carolina, Lee Newman, University of South Carolina, J. Unrine, University of Georgia, P. Williams, University of Georgia
3:45 PMDiscussion
3:55 PMAdjourn
Cosponsor:S11 Soils & Environmental Quality

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