Tuesday, 8 November 2005

Paper Mulching Management for Weed Control and Rice Growth in Paddy.

Won-Ha Yang1, Je-Kyu Kim2, Jeong-Joo Shin3, Weon-Tai Jeon1, Hee-Suk Han1, and Jin-Young Kim4. (1) National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, 209 Seodundong Kwonseonku, Suwon, 441-857, South Korea, (2) Rural Development Administration, 290 Seodundong Kwonseonku, Suwon, South Korea, (3) SK-Chemicals, 600 Jeongjadong Janganku, Suwon, 440-745, South Korea, (4) National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, South Korea

In recent, our customers have been the interesting of rice products cultured by environment-friendly management. We covered some different papers to block weed occurrence without herbicide in machine transplanting cultivation of paddy rice in NICS(National Institute of Crop Science), RDA(Rural Development Administration), Suwon, South Korea. Papers consisted of compound papers which were laminated with biodegradable plastics. Rice field was mulched with three different papers at the transplanting time of semi-adult seedling by transplanter. Slow release fertilizer was applied as the basal fertilizer based on Nitrogen - Phosphorus - Potasium which were 110 - 45 - 57 kg per ha. The appearance of papers would generally be maintained for 55~60 days after covering. We observed that the temperature of paper mulched area at 15days after transplanting was 0.5~1.0C� higher than non-mulched plot. Weed control value of mulching papers showed 89~97% compared with the plot of no herbicide. Mulching paper that paper laminated with 10�m PES was the most effective in weed control of the paddy rice. There were no significant difference in funji and bacteria of the soil for mulching papers compared with no mulching at the heading stage of rice plant. The residue of mulching paper in paddy rice was checked by every two week after transplanting. Critical content of paper could not be caught in the soil and rice plant at harvest. According to rice yield and its components, rice plant of paper laminated with 10�m PES was shown the better than other treatments. Stable rice yield was gotten by the effect of effective weed control and proper rice growth. Therefore, we could clearly conclude that paper mulching of machine transplanting for paddy rice would be widely useful as the procedure for weed control in friendly environmental cultivation of rice plant.

Handout (.pdf format, 243.0 kb)

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