Oral Session
Workshops This session will provide an overview of methods to measure soil water content and water potential, make soil moisture characteristic curves (SWCC), and determine hydraulic properties. Participants will learn the theory behind the measurements, discuss some examples of field applications, and engage in hands-on training with several of the instruments presented. Practicum sessions will include: •Dielectric Water Content Sensor Calibration •Measuring Water Content using TDR •Soil water potential using miniature tensiometers •Using dew point hygrometry to dry soil moisture characteristic curves (SMCC) •Determining SMCC and soil hydraulic properties using the Wind/Schindler technique Price: $70 ($100 after Sept. 7) Contact: Ashley Fickenwirth; 509-332-2756; Ashley@decagon,comSaturday, October 15, 2011: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM
Hilton Palacio del Rio, Corte Real ABCH