Saturday, 15 July 2006: 12:00 PM-6:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor
171: 4.4A Case Histories of the Relationships Among Soils and Societies - Poster
Presiding:Pam Hazelton, University of Technology
Convenor:David Kissel, "Soil, Plt & Water Lab., Univ. of GA"
Marketing Soil Survey Information.
Jon Hempel, USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Development Center, Lynn Betts, Valadis Corporation
The Use of Sustainable Green Wastewater Treatment Technology Across the Andes , Ecuador, South America.
Ronald L. Lavigne, University of Massachusetts
Finding Common Ground: A New College Course Examines the Intersection of Soil Science and Public Health.
Elizabeth A. Hodges, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, George A. O'Connor, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida
A Pilot Project:Initiating Production of Upland Rice in Virgin Inland Swamps of Sierra Leone, Africa.
Eugene Brams, Texas AM/Prairie View AM
Soil and Art - the Aesthetic of Dirt.
Gerd Wessolek, Technical University Berlin
The Status of Soil Science.
Gordon J. Churchman, University of Adelaide
Educating Future Soil Scientists: Using Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
Rosalie T. Carpenter, Washington and Jeffeson College, Stephen Carpenter, USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Cartoon As a Teaching Aid for Soil Sciences.
Hae-Nam Hyun, Cheju National University, Yi Nam, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup), Jae E. Yang, Div. of Biol. Environ. Coll. of Agri. & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University
The 'Cycle of Life' in Soil Science.
Lloyd Ackert, Yale University

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