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Tuesday, February 7, 2012: 8:15 AM
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is unique among row crops in that it produces subterranean fruit. In order to maximize yield and quality parameters, the developing fruit has a high calcium requirement in the top 0-3 inches of the soil surface. In the Southeastern U.S., the predominant peanut is the runner market-type, which is a medium seed sized peanut compared to Virginia market-type (large-seeded) and the Spanish and Valencia market-types (small-seeded). Calcium requirement for maximum yield and quality parameters increases as seed size increases. Over the past few years seven new runner-type peanut cultivars have been released for production in the Southeastern U.S., five of which have a significantly larger seed size than previously released cultivars. Experiments were implemented in Georgia and Alabama to determine if the current calcium amendment recommendations for runner-type cultivars are still sufficient for maximum yield and quality. Trials were conducted in crop years 2009 - 2011 at the University of Georgia’s Coastal Plain Experiment Station near Tifton, GA on a Tifton loamy sand and at Auburn University’s Wiregrass Research and Extension Center near Headland, AL on a Dothan loamy sand. Large-seeded runner-type cultivar ‘Georgia-06G’ was compared to ‘Georgia Green’, a small-seeded runner-type cultivar that was the dominant cultivar in the Southeast U.S. from 1996-2008. Calcium amendment treatments were 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 lbs ac-1 applied at initial bloom. Data collected included yield, percent total sound mature kernels, seed calcium content, and percent seed germination. Data analysis indicated there was no difference (p<0.05) in yield for Georgia-06G between the Ca soil amendment treatments of 0 and 500 lbs Ca ac-1 when the 0-3 inch soil Ca level was greater than 500 ac-1. Results indicate the current recommendation of 500 lbs ac-1 in the 0-3 inches of soil is sufficient for large-seeded runner-type peanut cultivars.