349 Symposium--Soil-Plant-Water Relations: Challenges in Model Selection, Parameterization and Validation

Oral Session
ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling Icreased CO2 and temperature projected for the future will impact plant water relations. This symposium will focus on quantitative research on the mechanisms of transpiration, water use efficiency, energy balances, and carbon assimilation by plants as affected by temperature and CO2. The goal of the symposium is to stimulate discussion and provide information on how to best capture these processes in models.


Soil-Plant-Water Relations Community
Climatology & Modeling
Global Climate Change Community, Model Applications in Field Research Community
Wednesday, October 24, 2012: 12:55 PM-3:35 PM
Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 212, Level 2

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Community Leader:
Martine van der Ploeg
Cecil L. Dharmasri , Dennis Timlin and Lajpat Ahuja
Martine van der Ploeg
1:30 PM
A Stochastic Approach for Crop Growth Simulations: A Case Study for Sugarcane.
Fabio R. Marin, Embrapa Agriculture Informatics; James W. Jones, University of Florida
1:45 PM
Adapting the Cropgro Model to Predict Growth and Yield of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan).
Phillip Alderman, University of Florida, Agronomy Department; Kenneth Boote, University of Florida, Agronomy Department; Virender S. Bhatia, National Research Centre for Soybean; James W. Jones, University of Florida
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Cropland: A Procedure for Calibration of the Biogeochemical Model Daycent Using An Inverse Modeling Technique.
Rashid Rafique, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Michael Fienen, United States Geological Survey; Robert Anex, University of Wisconsin
2:30 PM
The Matter of Pedotransfer Function and Soil Layer Depth In Simulation of Water Balance.
Haishun Yang, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Meribeth Milner, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Introducing ² Nlos On the Web (NOW)² - a New Nitrogen Management Tool for Extension, Education and Research.
Derek Hunt, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Shabtai Bittman, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Bonnie R. Ball, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
3:15 PM
Engaging Stakeholders in Research for Managing Climate Risks � Lessons From the Southeast Climate Consortium.
Keith T. Ingram, University of Florida; Wendy-Lin Bartels, University of Florida; Norman E. Breuer, University of Miami; James W. Jones, University of Florida; James O'Brien, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies - The Florida State University; Clyde W. Fraisse, University of Florida
3:35 PM