383 Symposium--Can Sulfur Still Be Ignored? Crop Responses, New Management Strategies, and Improved Methods for Assessing Sulfur Needs

Oral Session
S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis During the past ten years, sulfur deficiencies and crop responses to sulfur fertilizer have been reported with increasing frequency worldwide. This symposium will focus on crop species and soils most vulnerable to sulfur problems in today's high-yield production systems, new strategies for managing sulfur inputs, and recent improvements in assessing sulfur availability and crop sulfur status


Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 8:15 AM-12:00 PM
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 214B

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Cynthia Grant and John Kovar
Cynthia Grant and John Kovar
8:25 AM
Sulfur Production and Use In North America and the World”.
Donald Messick, The Sulphur Institute
8:55 AM
Sulfur In Australian Agriculture and New Fertilizer Technologies.
Michael McLaughlin, University of Adelaide/CSIRO Land and Water; Robert Norton, IPNI; Babasola Ajiboye, University of Adelaide; Sam Stacey, University of Adelaide; Fien Degryse, University of Adelaide
9:55 AM
10:10 AM
Sulfur Management In Rainfed Areas of North America.
Robert Mullen, Ohio State University/OARDC; Marcus Alley, Virginia Tech
10:40 AM
Sulfur Management In the Northern Great Plains.
Rigas Karamanos, Viterra, Inc.; Cynthia Grant, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Sukhdev Malhi, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
11:10 AM
Sulfur Management In the UK and Europe.
Fangjie Zhao, Rothamsted Research; Steve McGrath, Rothamsted Research
11:40 AM
12:00 PM