Poster Number 226
See more from this Division: S05 PedologySee more from this Session: Spatial Predictions In Soils, Crops and Agro/Forest/Urban/Wetland Ecosystems: III (Includes Graduate Student Competition)
Ecosystem services assessments are being conducted over large regions or even entire countries and all of these efforts require soils information. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with many partner organizations including the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), is developing a National Atlas of Sustainable Ecosystem Services. As part of this effort, EPA, NRCS, and the USGS are developing a standardized 30 m gridded soil geographic layer product for the conterminous USA and making this product accessible. The product will include those attributes most commonly used in ecosystem service modeling assessments and will include values for multiple soil depths for a subset of variables. Readily accessible gridded soils data have several advantages over vector data, such as easier integration with other land surface datasets. This poster describes the gridded soil geographic layer product and shows how the information can be used in ecosystem service assessments.
See more from this Session: Spatial Predictions In Soils, Crops and Agro/Forest/Urban/Wetland Ecosystems: III (Includes Graduate Student Competition)