173-4 Military Buildup � How Will the Environment Cope?.

See more from this Division: A07 Agricultural Research Station Management
See more from this Session: General Agricultural Research Station Management: I/Div. A07 Business Meeting
Tuesday, November 2, 2010: 10:50 AM
Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Shoreline A, First Floor
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Greg Wiecko and Olympia Terral, University of Guam, Mangilao, GU
An enormous 45% percent increase of Guam's population is expected in the next four years. Preparations are underway to re-deploy thousands of Marines and their families to Guam from the Japanese island of Okinawa. Some residents see it as an exciting and historic time for Guam that will trigger an unprecedented era of prosperity for the island. Others are angry and fear that the construction of a new Marine Corps base will overwhelm the island's already strained infrastructure as well as cause harm to the natural environment. Some anticipated projects involve large undertakings and at the same time raise enormous concerns. For example, the military buildup will likely include port dredging for a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, a project that may compromise 71 acres of vibrant coral reef. The military, also wants to build a Marine firing range on land that includes one of the last undeveloped beachfront forests on Guam. The Western Pacific Tropical Research Center (Guam's Agriculture Experiment Station) has an important role to play by making every effort to ensure this growth is in harmony with the fragile natural environment. Numerous scientists have already initiated and will conduct further research aiming to mitigate the detrimental effects of the buildup on forest resources, tropical agriculture, fishing, landscaping, and above all on island's primary industry - tourism. Anticipated changes in research programs and specific projects will be presented and discussed.
See more from this Division: A07 Agricultural Research Station Management
See more from this Session: General Agricultural Research Station Management: I/Div. A07 Business Meeting