Poster Session
A05 Environmental QualityNo-till is a recognized soil and water conservation practice. However, when manures are surface applied in no-till systems, they can increase ammonia volatilization, odors and runoff nutrient losses. New technologies are available for no-till that can inject or incorporate manure and can decrease ammonia volatilization, odor and nutrient losses in runoff relative to surface manure applications. Research points to a variety of trade-offs, including the potential to exacerbate nitrate leaching and adversely impact soil and residue properties. This session will cover new technologies that are available to producers in North America and Europe and evaluate their agronomic and environmental effectiveness.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Second Floor
Peter Kleinman
Rory Maguire
Douglas Beegle
Poster #301
Poster #302
Poster #304
Poster #305