Oral Session
S05 PedologyThe foundation of pedology is rooted in understanding soil processes which are by nature scale dependent. Pedologic conceptual models have been used for over a hundred years and range from micron, pedon, regional, state, national and global scales. Digital data such as digital elevation models and SSURGO using GIS and digital mapping provide new tools to evaluate soil spatial relationships at multiple scales. Scientists such as engineers, hydrologists, biologists and ecologists are beginning to use soil information to determine the functional homogeneity rather than the structural heterogeneity to address specific questions. Digital data illustrating soil variability along a continuum rather than discreet boundaries are more useful in many models and may provide more information about landscapes that is currently available in the soil survey. The purpose of this symposium is to illustrate the methods used for scaling soil information, critical issues addressed with scalable soil information, and potential for future work for scaling applications.
Monday, November 2, 2009: 1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Convention Center, Room 403-404, Fourth Floor
Phillip Owens
Phillip Owens
David Hammer
1:30 PM
2:10 PM
2:45 PM
3:05 PM