163 Symposium--Residue Removal and Soil Quality – Findings From Long-Term Research Plots/Div. A10 (Provisional) Business Meeting

Oral Session
A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems
A major concern regarding producing biofuels and bioproducts from cellulosic sources is the effect of residue removal on soil quality. The scientific community is aware that research to address soil quality changes is long-term. But decision-makers are asking that recommendations on acceptable residue removal levels be made almost immediately. One possible solution to this dilemma is to “mine” existing long-term resources for data that can help answer the question of the effect of residue removal on soil quality. In this half-day symposium we intend to enlist the assistance of the current managers of long-term plots, such as the Morrow, Sanborn, Pendleton, and Rothamsted plots, to address this question. We will also hear from scientists who have done modeling work on long-term plot residue removal, or have otherwise summarized existing data sets that address the questions of residue removal and soil quality.

A07 Agricultural Research Station Management, C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality, Soil & Water Management & Conservation

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 9:55 AM-3:30 PM
Convention Center, Room 336, Third Floor

Russell Karow
9:55 AM
Introductory Remarks
10:00 AM
Residue Removal Simulation (CQESTR) Results: Effects On Soil Organic Matter for Several Long-Term Experiments in U.S.
Hero T. Gollany, USDA-ARS; Ron Rickman, USDA-ARS; Stephan Albrecht, USDA-ARS; Yi Liang, Univ. of Arkansas; Stephen Machado, Oregon State Univ.; Jeffrey Novak, USDA-ARS; Patrick G. Hunt, USDA-ARS
10:30 AM
Irrigated Small Grain Residue Management Effects On Soil Properties and Nutrient Cycling.
David Tarkalson, USDA-ARS; Bradford Brown, Univ. of Idaho; Hans Kok, Univ. of Idaho; Dave Bjorneberg, USDA-ARS
11:30 AM
Soil Organic Carbon Trends Over 100 Years in the Morrow Plots.
Emerson Nafziger, Univ. of Illinois; Robert Dunker, Univ. of Illinois
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
Soil Organic Matter in the Rothamsted Plots.
David Powlson, Rothamsted Res.; Andy Macdonald, Rothamsted Res.; Margaret Glendining, Rothamsted Res.; Andrew Whitmore, Rothamsted Res.; Kevin Coleman, Rothamsted Res.; Dudley Christian, Rothamsted Res.
2:00 PM
Developing Field Studies to Measure Corn Residue Removal Effects On Soil Organic Matter – A Multi-Location Approach.
Gary Varvel, USDA-ARS; Douglas Karlen, USDA-ARS; John M. Baker, USDA-ARS; Jane Johnson, USDA-ARS; Shannon Osborne, USDA-ARS; Jeffrey Novak, ARS
2:30 PM
Div. A10 (Provisional) Business Meeting
3:30 PM